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2014-15 Results and Resources


2014-15 Results  |  Resources for LEAs  |  Resources for Parents  |  Resources for Educators

2014-15 Results

The documents below include the DC-wide 2014-15 school year PARCC high school and grades 3-8 results presentations as well as supporting data files. The data files provide aggregate state, sector, and schools results overall as well as English language arts and math results by school. We’ve provided drop downs to assist users to review these data files in different ways. Please note that the data make take one to two minutes to load.

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Resources for LEAs

The release of the 2014-15 school year Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) results represents an opportunity to communicate a new baseline for where students stand on their path to success. It is critical that we use this opportunity to effectively communicate with educators and parents about what these scores mean for students and how to interpret the new score reports. Below you will find optional tools that OSSE has developed for you to personalize to communicate with parents and educators.

2014-15 PARCC Results Release Resources

  • PARCC Instructional Tools and Score Reports Workshop: PowerPoint from sessions OSSE hosted in June 2015 to provide LEA staff with a refresher on PARCC test design, individual student score reports, data files, and other resources available to support use of PARCC results for instructional planning in advance of the 2016 results release.
  • PARCC Data User Guide: A guide for LEAs and schools to analyze data files to inform instructional planning.
  • PARCC Released Item Map: A cross walk for LEAs to use alongside their 2015 released item data to crosswalk and analyze standard and evidence-statements.
  • PARCC Overview: PowerPoint with context on how PARCC establishes a new baseline for students’ success. Personalize final slide to include specific points of contact for your LEA.

Monthly Meetings for Local Educational Agencies (LEA) Assessment Coordinators and Assessment Stakeholders

DC LEA assessment coordinators and other stakeholders are invited to attend monthly Next Generation Assessment Meetings to learn the latest news on PARCC and the District of Columbia’s other Next Generation Assessments. Materials from each meeting will be posted on the Next Generation Assessment Meetings page.

PARCC Administration Resources for DC LEAs


The email account [email protected] is consistently monitored to answer your questions about any of the districtwide assessments, including PARCC.

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Resources for Parents

  • This interactive platform allows parents and other members of the community to explore 2015 next generation assessment results. On this site, users can view school, district, and DC level information on DC assessment performance. Many of the graphs and reports on this page allow users to select options to look at data in different ways.

  • DC PARCC Score Report Video: This video for families explains DC’s new assessment for English Language Arts and mathematics, PARCC, and walks through each element of the PARCC student score reports for the 2015 test results. Video script also available in Spanish.

  • Understanding the New PARCC Assessment: One-page explanation of what PARCC is, why it matters, how it is different from prior assessments, when scores will be available, and how scores will be used. Also available en Español.

  • PARCC Overview: PowerPoint with context on how PARCC establishes a new baseline, meaning that this is the first year of the test and we will measure future progress against this year.

  • Parent Guide to Understanding Student Score Reports: Resource to help families prepare for and understand individual student reports that will be available in December 2015. Also available en EspañolAmharic, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese (Mandarin), and French.

  • Sample Student Score Reports: Mock ups of the math and English language arts PARCC student score reports that families will receive in December. These new score reports will provide students, families, and educators with more detailed information about where a student did well or needs more support. See translated math score reports and translated ELA score reports.

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Resources for Educators

  • Released Test Items and Professional Development Tools: To give educators a powerful tool for classroom teaching and learning, the PARCC states released test items used during the spring 2015 PARCC assessment. The PARCC Partnership Resource Center library includes 850 assessment items, scoring rubrics, and sample scored and annotated student responses in both English language arts/literacy and mathematics for grade 3 through high school.  In addition to the released items, the PARCC Partnership Resource Center features professional learning tools and other resources to support educators and families.
  • Tutorials, Practice tests, and Sample Items: Prior to the spring 2015 administration, resources were developed to allow students, families and educators to experience the computer-based format, item types, and technology features on the PARCC Practice site: Tutorials; Practice Tests; Sample Items

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