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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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About OSSE


As DC’s state education agency, we will set high standards, build educator and system capacity to meet those standards, expand educational opportunities for all learners with a focus on those underserved and hold everyone - including ourselves - accountable for results. 


DC learners of all ages and backgrounds are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue and thrive on the life path of their choice. 

What Does OSSE Do?

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) is the state education agency for the District of Columbia charged with raising the quality of education for all DC residents. OSSE serves as the District’s liaison to the US Department of Education and works closely with the District’s traditional and public charter schools to achieve its key functions:

  • Overseeing all federal education programs and related grants administered in the District of Columbia.
  • Developing state-level standards aligned with school, college, and workforce readiness expectations.
  • Ensuring access to high-quality child care and universal pre-kindergarten for eligible District families.
  • Providing resources and support to assist the District’s most vulnerable student populations.
  • Administering the statewide District of Columbia Comprehensive Assessments of Progress in Education (DC CAPE) include the DC ELA assessment (DC ELA), the DC Math assessment (DC Math) and the DC Science assessment (DC Science).
  • Providing regional, door-to-door transportation to school for District children with special needs.
  • Awarding higher education financial assistance to eligible District students at public and private colleges and universities in DC and across the country.
  • Increasing health and physical education awareness as well as ensuring access to free meals year-round. 
  • Providing common, comparable information for families and educators about all public schools in the District of Columbia through the DC School Report Card.

Our Core Values

Agency Budget

Agency Performance

State Board of Education (SBOE)