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PARCC Resources for Educators Overview

The PARCC Partnership Resource Center is ready for educator use.

The Partnership Resource Center, located at, is a single location for educators and administrators to get critical information about the PARCC assessment design and implementation, and to discover useful professional development resources built by PARCC, states, and other providers.  The PRC hosts a range of resources and tools:

  • Released items include one test form’s worth of assessment items used in the spring 2015 PARCC administration for English language arts/literacy and mathematics for each grade from 3 through high school. The released items catalog includes test items, scoring rubrics, and sample scored and annotated student responses. To learn more about resources available and how to use them to support and improve instruction, please see the Guide to Understanding Scoring: English Language Arts/Literacy Released Items and Guide to Understanding Scoring: Mathematics Released Items.
  • Formative instructional tasks (K-2) gather information in a way that is invisible to students and is a part of daily learning. The tasks provide information teachers can use to adjust instruction and help students.
  • Speaking and listening tools include videos, model learning tasks, and rubrics to help teachers implement the speaking and listening standards in grades K-12 in all content areas.
  • The technology readiness tool includes a System Check for schools and districts to determine if their technology platforms are ready to deliver PARCC assessments and a Testing Capacity Check of their network’s capacity.
  • Professional development modules inform educators about the PARCC assessment design, accessibility features, K-2 formative tasks, speaking and listening tools, and diagnostic tools. These interactive modules include videos and quizzes to guide viewers through the resources and can be used to facilitate conversations in large or small groups.
  • The library houses evidence statements, blueprints, videos created in collaboration with the Teaching Channel, and other resources. Over time, educators will be able to submit content for the library, to be curated by PARCC experts.

You may also be interested in viewing the K-2 Mathematics Instructional Task Overview, K-2 ELA Instructional Task Overview, and Speaking and Listening Task Overview).  These documents include links to key pages on the Partnership Resource Center.

To create an optional account, please see instructions below that include specific instructions for DC users.

Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers