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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as The Nation’s Report Card, is the largest continuing, nationally representative measure of student achievement in core subjects in grades 4, 8, and 12. The District of Columbia participates in the NAEP assessment biennially. The assessments follow the frameworks developed by the National Assessment Governing Board, which specify what a student should know and be able to do in a given grade. Since the assessments are administered uniformly across the nation, with the same digital equipment and test booklets, NAEP results serve as a common measure of academic achievement.

To learn more about the NAEP assessment and resources available to educators and families, please explore the resources below.

NAEP 2024

Overview of Results
District of Columbia 2024 Results Overview Presentation

If you want to learn more about NAEP, we have written a primer on our Data Discovery Blog
Additional information and results can be found on the NAEP website

Service Contact: 
OSSE Assessment Team
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