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2021-22 PARCC and MSAA Results and Resources

Read OSSE’s Statement on DC’s 2021-22 State Assessment Results

2021-22 Results

The documents below include the statewide 2021-22 school year statewide assessment results presentation and supporting data files. The data files provide aggregate state-, sector-, and school-level results for both PARCC and MSAA.

  • 2021-22 District of Columbia Statewide Assessment Results Presentation [PDF] : This PowerPoint includes the public presentation of the 2022 state assessment results at the State level. In addition to the slides from the public presentation, the PowerPoint includes detailed breakdowns of state and sector performance by grade, test, and for specific groups of students.
  • 2021-22 State Level PARCC and MSAA Data [XLS] : This file includes the percentage of students in the District of Columbia meeting or exceeding expectations (level 4 or 5 on PARCC, level 3 or 4 on MSAA), and at each of the performance levels on the English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics assessments. In addition, results are broken down at every grade level and for specific groups of students. Student performance on subclaims within an assessment is also included.
  • 2021-22 LEA Level PARCC and MSAA Data [XLS] : This file includes the percentage of students in each LEA meeting or exceeding expectations (level 4 or 5 on PARCC, level 3 or 4 on MSAA), and at each of the performance levels on the ELA and mathematics assessments. In addition, results are broken down at every grade level and for specific groups of students. Student performance on subclaims within an assessment is also included.
  • 2021-22 School Level PARCC and MSAA Data [XLS]: This file includes the percentage of students in each school meeting or exceeding expectations (level 4 or 5 on PARCC, level 3 or 4 on MSAA), and at each of the performance levels on the ELA and mathematics assessments. In addition, results are broken down for each school at every grade level and for specific groups of students. Student performance on subclaims within an assessment is also included.
  • 2021-22 School, LEA, and State Participation [XLS]: This file includes the final state, LEA, and school level participation aggregations for the 2021-22 PARCC and MSAA assessments in ELA and mathematics. Participation rates can be sorted by grade and for specific groups of students.
  • 2021-22 PARCC and MSAA Participation and Performance Results for Students with Disabilities [XLS] : This report contains the 2021-22 PARCC and MSAA participation and performance results at the state, LEA, and school levels for students with disabilities, students with disabilities with registered accommodations, and students with the most significant cognitive disabilities taking MSAA.

Resources for Educators and Parents

  • The Parent Guide to Understanding 2022 PARCC Student Score Reports: This is a resource to help families prepare for and understand the individual student reports. Available in English, Spanish, Amharic, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese (Mandarin) and French.
  • The Parent Guide to Understanding 2022 MSAA Student Score Reports: This is a resource to help families prepare for and understand the individual score reports available in September 2022. Available in English, Spanish, Amharic, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese (Mandarin) and French.
  • Sample PARCC English Language Arts (ELA) Student Score Report: This PARCC sample score report provides students, families, and educators with more detailed information about where a student did well or needs more support in ELA. Available in English, Spanish, Amharic, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese (Mandarin), and French.
  • Sample PARCC Mathematics Student Score Report: This PARCC sample score report provides students, families, and educators with more detailed information about where a student did well or needs more support in Math. Available in English, Spanish, Amharic, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese (Mandarin), and French.
  • Sample MSAA ELA and Mathematics Student Score Report: This MSAA sample score report provides families, students, and educators with more detailed information about where a student did well and needs more support in both ELA and Math. Available in English, Spanish, Amharic, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese (Mandarin), and French.
  • Released Test Items and Professional Development Tools: To give educators a powerful tool for classroom teaching and learning, the PARCC states released test items which were used during the spring 2015-2019, and 2021 PARCC assessments. The library includes scoring rubrics and guides to scoring, as well as released item sets, answer keys, standards alignment, and sample student responses – scored and annotated.
  • Practice Tests and Tutorials: There are numerous PARCC resources available for students, families, and educators to explore and experience the computer-based PARCC platform, item types, and technology features on the PARCC assessment. The practice site includes the following: Practice Tests and Tutorials.

**For accommodations including language translations, large print version, or Braille version, please contact [email protected] with ‘PARCC or MSAA ISR Accommodation Request’ in the subject line and we will provide it for you.

To explore how families, educators, and schools can use these reports or to learn more about how the test is designed and what it measures, talk with your student’s teacher, visit, or call OSSE at (202) 719-6500.