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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Training and Professional Certification icon
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Learn more about Lessons from the Ground Training.

Permits, Licenses and Certifications icon
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Learn more about the established childcare requirements all childcare programs must comply with in the District of Columbia.

Permits, Licenses and Certifications icon
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In addition to satisfactory completion of degrees, coursework, work experience and other prerequisites, individuals all required to submit official documentation verifying satisfactory completion of applicable state licensure exams in the area of the license being sought as required by the Distri

Health and Human Services icon
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OSSE supports District schools in using locally-sourced foods in their school meals through a variety of programs.

Specialized Education Local Regulations
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Local regulations governing the provision of special education and related services to children with disabilities are found in Title 5, Subtitle A of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations. Regulations governing services provided in District of Columbia Public Schools and charter...

Health and Human Services icon
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The Medicaid Recovery Unit (MRU) is responsible for Interagency Coordination to facilitate Medicaid claiming in local education agencies (LEAs).

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This website provides resources to assist with the specific needs of your military family.

Education and Schools icon
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Mediation is a voluntary process and both the complainant and public agency or private service provider must be willing to participate.

Find DC Schools
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Go to My School DC to research school options and enter the DC schools lottery.

Data, demographics and maps icon
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Information, highlights, performance reports and more about the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as The Nation’s Report Card.

Children and Youth Service icon
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Learn more about the National School Lunch Program

Education Icon: Apple on top of book
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Learn more about the National Teachers Hall of Fame

Education Icon: Apple on top of book
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Learn more about NCSC and DC CAS Alt Science Webinar Series

Permits, Licenses and Certifications icon
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New applicant workshops provide individuals, organizations and existing postsecondary institutions an overview of the Higher Education Licensure Commission’s requirements for licensure and detailed information regarding the application process.

Education Icon: Apple on top of book
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Learn more about Next Generation Assessment Meetings

Education and Schools icon
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Information about the adopted Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for the District of Columbia Schools grades K through 12.

Default icon of the DC Flag
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC information and resources 

Default icon of the DC Flag
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC information and resources 

Grants and Funding icon
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OSSE uses federal Perkins Grant funds to support programs, services, and activities preparing students for employment in high skills, high wage careers that are nontraditional for members of their gender.

Education and Schools icon
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Invoice Verification is responsible for ensuring compliance with court-established vendor payment mandates covering all non-public day and residential schools and related service providers.
