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2021-22 Test Security and Incident Forms

OSSE provides Test Security Guidelines and resources to ensure that schools and LEAs deliver uniform and equitable testing programs. For assessments to yield fair and accurate results, the assessments are to be administered in consistent and standardized conditions. The best way for us to support schools and LEAs in administering quality assessments is to ensure educators understand and recognize acceptable and unacceptable assessment practices.

To read more about the importance of test security, please refer to the June 2011 letter from the US Department of Education addressed to the Chief State School Officers.

Test Security Guidelines and Forms for SY2021-22 Assessment Administration

Incident Reporting for SY2021-22 Assessment Administration

School Test Security Plans for SY2021-22

Test Security Training for SY2021-22 Assessment Administration

OSSE has released seven pre-recorded Test Security Modules which serve as the official Test Security Training for LEA and Nonpublic Coordinators. These training modules cover test security information for both in-person and remote administration. The complete viewing of the modules is required for all LEA Assessment Coordinators, including those responsible for ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS, MSAA, PARCC, DC Science, and Dynamic Learning Maps. Upon completion of the modules, LEA coordinators are required to complete a quiz and certification form, verifying that they have viewed all content. A score of 80 percent or higher on the quiz will serve as the official attendance and completion of SY2021-22 Test Security Training.

OSSE advises that users use the video and PowerPoint presentations together, as any links or folders mentioned in the video can be accessed using the hyperlinks in the PowerPoint presentation.

Full written transcripts for all modules can be read here.

** As a reminder, testing cannot begin until the LEA Test Integrity Coordinator has completed and passed OSSE’s required Test Security Training. In addition, an approved School Test Security Plan is also required to begin testing.**

Request Forms for SY2021-22 Assessment Administration

Statewide Assessment Monitoring Checklists for SY2021-22 Assessment Administration

Ensuring the Integrity of DC Statewide Testing

Parent Notification Letters for Assessment Administration