
Get information about the Fellowship for Urban Education Leaders (FUEL) program.

Contact the Student Transportation Parent Resource CenterSti

OSSE’s Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) provides a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables as a healthy snack option to all elementary school children in participating schools.

School Gardens rely on community support, please help District school gardens grow and get involved today! If you would like to be included on our list serve, please contact Sam Ullery at [email protected].

The course work set forth in Subsections 2203.3 shall be required of students who enrolled in ninth grade in school year 2007-2008 and thereafter in order to be certified as eligible to receive a high school diploma.

The District of Columbia conducts a standardized test for health and physical education.

Healthy bodies and minds are the foundation of academic success. The Division of H&W leverages programming, partnerships, policy, and data to remove health barriers to learning so that people of all ages and backgrounds are prepared to succeed in school and in life.

Information about the implementation of the Health and Physical Education Standards and Healthy Schools Act of 2010.

Data and assessments of OSSE's numerous Healthy Schools Act programs.

Online resource guide to assist youth, parents, and educators in navigating health websites.

OSSE's Healthy Schools Act Initiatives team monitors school menus and compliance with other aspects of the HSA and provides technical support and training to schools.

OSSE evaluates changes in programmatic, behavioral, and health outcomes occurring as a result of HSA implementation

School Health Profiles for public, public charter schools, and participating private schools.

Learn more about the Healthy Youth & Schools Commission.

Learn more about how OSSE has adopted the US Department of Education rules for calculating graduation rates.