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Test Administration Resources from the 2022-23 School Year

Test Administration Timeline

The Test Administration Timeline outlines annual assessment tasks and submissions managed by the LEA Assessment Coordinator for the ACCESS, MSAA, DLM, PARCC and DC Science assessments. Throughout the year, OSSE will provide training and information to LEA Assessment Managers and LEA Test Coordinators to support with the successful completion of these requirements. An overview of statewide assessment activities and training can be found in the soon to be released 2023-24 Statewide Assessment Activities Schedule.

Assessment 2023-24 Statewide Test Window
  Feb. 13 - March 24, 2023
NAEP (selected schools only) Jan. 29 - March 8, 2024
ACCESS for ELLs Feb. 12 - March 22, 2024
MSAA & DLM March 11 - April 26, 2024

DC ELA, DC Math, DC Science

April 1 – May 24, 2024 ​
(April 1 – May 17, 2024: paper accommodation window

Test Administration Roles and Responsibilities

OSSE requires LEAs to designate an LEA Assessment Manager for each school year. This manager is responsible for representing the LEA, ensuring statewide assessments are administered in compliance with OSSE’s policies, and liaising with OSSE and LEA staff. The LEA Assessment Manager is also responsible for liaising with Nonpublic School Test Coordinators or other LEA designees in charge of direct communication with nonpublic schools.

OSSE requires LEA Assessment Managers to assign LEA Assessment Coordinators for each of the following statewide assessment programs:

  • PARCC/DC Science Assessments
  • MSAA/DLM Alternate Assessments
  • ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS Assessments

The LEA Assessment Manager is responsible for overseeing the coordination of all statewide assessments taken by students in their LEA and ensuring compliance with OSSE policies and protocols. LEA Assessment Managers can designate assessment-specific LEA Assessment Coordinators to fulfill the responsibilities outlined in this document. Responsibilities of Nonpublic School Test Coordinators are outlined in this document.

LEA Assessment Managers may designate the same person as LEA Assessment Coordinator for all three programs or may designate different parties (e.g., PARCC/DC Science Coordinator; MSAA/DLM Coordinator; and ACCESS Coordinator). Each LEA Assessment Manager and Nonpublic School Test Coordinator is required to submit the names and contact information of their assessment coordinators to OSSE’s Office of Assessment annually. Reach out to [email protected] for details on how to submit the contact information for assessment points of contact.

Test Administration Customer Support

View the complete customer support contact information here.

2022-23 School Year Test Administration Trainings

Training Resources

The OSSE Assessment Team has released The Coordinating Statewide Assessments guide for the 2022-23 school year. The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of test administration processes and resources for all DC statewide summative assessments. It contains general information and additional resources for LEA Assessment Managers to reference while preparing for test administration.

The Statewide Assessment Training Schedule for the 2022-23 school year is available here.

Test Security Training

In addition to Test Security Training, OSSE will release seven pre-recorded Test Security Modules to serve as the official Test Security Training for LEA Assessment Managers, LEA Test Coordinators, and Nonpublic School Test Coordinators. These training modules cover test security information for both in-person and remote administration. The complete viewing of the modules is required for all LEA Assessment Coordinators, including those responsible for ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS, MSAA, DLM, DC Science and PARCC. Upon completion of the modules, LEA Assessment Managers, LEA Test Coordinators, and Nonpublic School Test Coordinators are required to complete a quiz and certification form, verifying that they have viewed all content. A score of 80 percent or higher on the quiz will serve as the official completion of 2023 Test Security Training.

All test security training module videos and information regarding test security, including test security guidelines, participation policies, school test security plans, test security affidavits, and other required documentation can be found on OSSE’s Test Security webpage. OSSE recommends using the video and PowerPoint presentations together, as any links or folders mentioned in the video can be accessed using the hyperlinks in the PowerPoint presentation.

Testing Accommodation and Accessibility Features and Resources

Information regarding accommodations can be found on OSSE's Testing Accommodations webpage.

Training and Resources

To register for a training, please use the registration links in the 2022-23 Statewide Assessment Training Schedule.

PARCC & DC Science Assessment Resources

Upcoming Trainings for the 2023 PARCC & DC Science Administration:

  • Jan. 10, 2023: PARCC &DC Science LEA Test Coordinator Training/Pearson AccessNext
  • Jan. 23, 2023 or Jan. 31, 2023: PARCC & DC Science Assessment Accommodations Training
  • Feb. 8, 2023 or Feb. 14, 2023: PARCC & DC Science SR/PNP Workshop
  • Feb. 16, 2023: PARCC & DC Technology Training
  • Marchh 16, 2023: Technical Assistance during PARCC/DC Science Training
  • May 11, 2023: PARCC & DC Science Assessment Closeout Procedures

In addition to the information presented in the trainings, this checklist will help with test administration.

Common PARCC & DC Science Assessment Links

Multi-State Alternative Assessment (MSAA) Resources

The MSAA is managed through the MSAA System. Test Coordinators and Test Administrators can access manuals and training modules in this system. They will also use it to administer the MSAA to students. 

Trainings for the 2023 MSAA Administration:

Common MSAA Links:

Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Science Alternate Assessment Resources

LEA and school-level test coordinators can find resources such as manuals and step-by-step how-to videos for getting ready to administer the DLM assessment in the District of Columbia DLM page. Click here to learn more about DLM.

Upcoming Trainings for Spring 2023 DLM Administration:

  • Jan. 11, 2023: DLM Test Coordinator Training
  • Jan. 25, 2023: DLM Test Administrator Training
  • Feb. 9, 2023: DLM Test Coordinator Q&A

ACCESS for ELLs Resources

WIDA AMS is the online resource used for material management and test coordination for the ACCESS for ELLs suite of assessments. The primary users of WIDA AMS are the Test Coordinators at the school and district level. Additional information about the WIDA AMS system can be found in the WIDA AMS User Guide. Click here for more details about ACCESS.

Upcoming Trainings for the 2023 ACCESS Administration:

  • Jan. 12, 2023: ACCESS for ELLS Online Test Administrator Training
  • Jan. 13, 2023: ACCESS for ELLs Test Coordinator Training
  • May 23, 2023: Interpreting ACCESS for ELLs Score Reports Training

Common ACCESS Links:

NAEP Resources

The NAEP is taken bi-annually by most schools in the District of Columbia. Additional information can be found in An Introduction to NAEP and at this webpage.

Common NAEP Links:

Test Administration Archive

Contacts for Support

OSSE Support Tool:
OSSE Assessment Hotline: (202) 304-3269
OSSE Email: [email protected]