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Test Administration Resources from the 2018-19 School Year

Coordinating 2018-19 Districtwide Assessments

OSSE has released Coordinating 2018-19 Statewide Assessments, a resource for LEA and School Test Coordinators. This document provides foundational information about test security and how to lead the administration of PARCC, DC Science, ACCESS, MSAA, and DLM Science Alternate. It also includes customer service contact information, links to assessment resources, and planning templates.

Test Administration Customer Support

A printable version of the customer support information below is available here.

Training Resources

OSSE has released an assessment training schedule for the 2018-19 school year. To view this schedule and recordings of previously presented trainings, visit OSSE’s Test Coordinator Training webpage.

Test Security Resources

Information regarding test security, including test security guidelines, participation policies, school test security plans, test security affidavits, and other required documentation can be found on OSSE’s Test Security webpage.

Testing Accommodation and Accessibility Features Resources

Information regarding accommodations can be found on OSSE’s Testing Accommodations webpage.

PARCC/DC Science Resources

The PARCC and DC Science assessments are managed in the Pearson Access Next platform and administered through TestNav8. The Test Coordinator Manual and Test Administrator Manuals are available through the PARCC and DC Science website.

The 2019 PARCC & DC Science Readiness Recommendations document includes recommended steps that schools can take to ensure a successful PARCC administration in spring 2019.

2019 PARCC/DC Science Registration and Personal Needs Profiles

The table below outlines the schedule for LEAs to complete student registration and accommodations and accessibility features for PARCC in the PearsonAccessNext (PAN) system.

Representatives from Pearson joined OSSE to host a technology coordinator training webinar which focused on conducting infrastructure trials, proctor caching, setting up TestNav8, and updates for spring 2018 test administration. Please view the PARCC 2017-18 Technology Coordinator Training recording (via YouTube) or the PARCC 2017-18 Technology Training slides from this event.

Common PARCC Links

Pearson Access Next
Pearson Access Next Training Site
Pearson Access Next User Guide
PARCC Test Administration Website
PARCC Pearson Access Next Training Modules
PARCC Administration and Technology Bulletins
PARCC Manuals
Avocet - PARCC Documents
PARCC Formative Assessments
PARCC Subclaim Descriptions

MSAA Resources

The MSAA is managed through the MSAA System. Test Coordinator and Test Administrators can access manuals and training modules in this system. They will also use it to administer the MSAA to students.

The 2017-18 MSAA Test Security and Administration Checklist provides a list of key tasks for LEA MSAA Coordinators and School MSAA Coordinators.

Common MSAA Links

2017-18 MSAA Registration and Accommodations Webinar
2017-18 MSAA TA Training Webinar
MSAA System – Test Administration Login
MSAA Technology Requirements
MSAA Sample Assessment Items

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Resources

WIDA AMS is the online resource used for material management and test coordination for the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 suite of assessments. The primary users of WIDA AMS are the Test Coordinators at the school and district level. Additional information about the WIDA AMS system can be found in the WIDA AMS User Guide.

The 2017-18 ACCESS Test Security and Administration Checklist provides a list of key tasks for LEA ACCESS Coordinators and School ACCESS Coordinators.

Common ACCESS Links

DC ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Checklist for 2017-18
2017-18 ACCESS for ELLs Registration and Accommodations Webinar
OSSE Home Language Survey
English Language Learner (ELL) Identification and Screening Guidance
Identification and Placement Process for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students
OSSE Approved English Language Proficiency Assessments (pre-K-Grade 12)

NAEP Resources

The NAEP is taken bi-annually by most schools in the District of Columbia. Additional information can be found in An Introduction to NAEP.

Common NAEP Links

An Introduction to NAEP
An Overview of NAEP in English and Spanish
School Coordinator Responsibilities: A Guide to MyNAEP Inclusion Policy
Accommodations for SD and ELL students

DC Science and DC Science Alternate Resources

The DC Science and DC Science Alternate assessments will not be administered in the 2017-18 school year. For additional information about the future of these assessments, please visit our Strengthening DC Science webpage.

DC Health and Physical Education Assessment

The Health and Physical Education Assessment is managed by the Division of Health and Wellness. Please visit OSSE’s Health and Physical Education Assessment page for more information.