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NAEP Inclusion Policy

NAEP Inclusion Policy

The National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) adopted a new policy in 2010 to help ensure that NAEP results accurately reflect the educational performance of all students in the target population and continue to serve as a meaningful measure of the nation’s students’ academic achievement over time. The policy aims to 1) maximize participation of sampled students in NAEP, 2) reduce variation in exclusion rates for SD and ELL students across states and districts, 3) develop uniform national rules for including students in NAEP, and 4) ensure that NAEP is fully representative of SD and ELL students.

The policy defines specific inclusion goals for NAEP samples. At the national, state, and district levels, the goal is to include 95 percent of all students selected for the NAEP samples, and 85 percent of those in the NAEP sample who are identified as SD or ELL.

NAEP Testing and Reporting on Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners [PDF]

NAEP Inclusion Fact Sheet

2017 DC Accommodations for NAEP