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Test Administration Resources from the 2020-21 School Year

In April 2021, the US Department of Education officially granted the District of Columbia a one-year waiver from both administering statewide assessments and publishing school accountability (STAR) ratings. The waivers apply to the following statutory requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):

  • Statewide assessment requirements in Section 1111(b)(2) to administer required statewide assessments in English language arts/literacy, mathematics, science, and alternate assessments for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities; 
  • Statewide assessment participation requirements in Section 1111(c)(4)(E); and
  • Consolidated State Plan for accountability, school identification, and reporting requirements in Section 1111(c)(4)(B)(i) and 1111(d)(2)(C)-(D) and selected report card provisions in Section 1111(h) based on data from the 2020-21 school year as specified in the Department’s Accountability Waiver template. In short, the waiver asked to suspend the calculation of new STAR ratings for the 2020-21 school year and new school designations for comprehensive and targeted improvements.

OSSE will continue administration of its ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and Alternate ACCESS English language proficiency assessments in spring 2021.

The final waiver requests and the US Department of Education’s official response are available here

We value the use of comparable student performance data and recognize how important it is, particularly now. Our statewide assessment systems provide us critical information on academic performance across the city and we will be on track to resume administration in spring 2022. We are committed to working with our stakeholders to be able to provide information that is meaningful and useful in improving programs and supports for all students and schools.

[March 22, 2021 Update] ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and Alternate ACCESS assessments provide the only statewide measure for English learner exit criteria in the District of Columbia, and individual results from these assessments may be used for exiting services, service identification, and LEA/school staffing decisions. For these reasons, OSSE is now reopening and offering in-person only administration of these assessments in spring 2021 to support LEAs and schools in making these individual determinations. The ACCESS administration window will be extended through June 18, 2021. As stated in the 2020-21 School Year Statewide Assessments Participation and Performance Policy, if schools are open for full-time, in-person instruction, students are to participate in testing. Students participating in a hybrid model are not required to participate in testing, but an LEA or school is to provide the opportunity for students to take these assessments in person with a trained test administrator if requested by the student or family and practicable for the school.

[Feb. 25, 2021 Update] OSSE is seeking a one-year waiver from federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirements around assessments, in order to suspend statewide summative assessments for students in spring 2021, including Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) in English Language Arts and Math, Multi-State Alternate Assessments (MSAA), ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and Alternate ACCESS. Earlier in the year, OSSE announced that both the DC Science assessment and Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) science alternate assessment were also cancelled and that STAR Framework Scores and Ratings would not be calculated for the 2020-21 school year.

Test Administration Timeline

OSSE requires LEAs to designate an LEA Assessment Coordinator for each school year. This coordinator is responsible for representing the LEA, liaising with OSSE and LEA staff, and ensuring statewide assessments aligned to their role are administered in compliance with OSSE’s policies and regulations.  

The Test Administration Timeline outlines annual assessment tasks and submissions managed by the LEA Assessment Coordinator for the ACCESS, MSAA, DLM, PARCC and DC Science assessments. Throughout the year, OSSE will provide training and information to LEA Test Coordinators to support with the successful completion of these requirements.

Test Administration Customer Support

A printable version of the customer support information below is available here.

2021 Test Administration Customer Support

Training Resources

The schedule for 2021 test security and administration training is now available. All trainings will be conducted virtually.

Test Security Resources

Information regarding test security, including test security guidelines, participation policies, school test security plans, test security affidavits, and other required documentation can be found on OSSE’s Test Security webpage.

Testing Accommodation and Accessibility Features Resources

Information regarding accommodations can be found on OSSE’s Testing Accommodations webpage.

PARCC Training

New PARCC LEA Test Coordinator Training and PearsonAccessnext 101 Training

  • New PARCC LEA Test Coordinator Training - Topics include: Assign Staff Roles, Register Students, Document Accommodations and Accessibility Features, Receive Materials, Setup Technology for Testing, Create a Testing Schedule, Train Staff, Create Test Sessions, Document Test Security Plans, Setup Testing Environment, Ensure Accommodations and Accessibility Features are Accurately Provided, Administer the Test to Students, Document Issues/Irregularities, Close Tests and Shred, Recycle, and Return Materials, and Submit Documentation and Complete Test Security File
  • PearsonAccessnext 101 Training - Topics include: Managing Accounts, Setting Up Users, Registration, Completing the Personal Needs Profile, Test Sessions, Monitoring Testing, and Customer Support
  • 2021 PARCC Accommodations Webinar - Topics include: Accommodations vs. Accessibility Features, Utilizing Accommodations in the Classroom, Remote Testing Accommodations, Identifying Accommodations for Individual Students, Dissecting Specific Accommodations
  • 2021 PARCC Remote Administration Guidance - Topics include: PARCC Overview, Preparing for Remote Administration, Administering PARCC Remotely, Issues during Remote Testing, Accommodations and Accessibility Features for Remote Testers

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Training

PARCC/DC Science Resources

The PARCC and DC Science assessments are managed in the Pearson Access Next platform and administered through TestNav8. The Test Coordinator Manual and Test Administrator Manuals are available through the PARCC and DC Science website.

The 2021 PARCC Readiness Guide is available to support LEA Test Coordinators as they plan for these assessments.

Common PARCC Links

Pearson Access Next
Pearson Access Next Training Site
Pearson Access Next User Guide
PARCC Administration Website
PARCC Manuals

MSAA Resources

The MSAA is managed through the MSAA System. Test Coordinator and Test Administrators can access manuals and training modules in this system. They will also use it to administer the MSAA to students.

Common MSAA Links

2017-18 MSAA Registration and Accommodations Webinar
2019-20 MSAA TA and TC Webinar (March 2020)
MSAA System – Test Administration Login
MSAA Technology Requirements
MSAA Sample Assessment Items

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Resources

WIDA AMS is the online resource used for material management and test coordination for the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 suite of assessments. The primary users of WIDA AMS are the Test Coordinators at the school and district level. Additional information about the WIDA AMS system can be found in the WIDA AMS User Guide.

Common ACCESS Links

WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Test Coordinator & Test Administrator Checklist
OSSE Home Language Survey
Identification and Placement Process for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students
Delivering Education Services to English Learners: Policies and Procedures for Administrators, Instructional Leaders, and Teachers in the District of Columbia

NAEP Resources

The NAEP is taken bi-annually by most schools in the District of Columbia. Additional information can be found in An Introduction to NAEP.

Common NAEP Links

An Introduction to NAEP
An Overview of NAEP in English and Spanish
School Coordinator Responsibilities: A Guide to MyNAEP Inclusion Policy

Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Science Alternate Assessment Resources

LEA and school-level test coordinators can find resources such as manuals and step-by-step how-to videos for getting ready to administer the DLM assessment in the District of Columbia DLM page.

DC Health and Physical Education Assessment

The Health and Physical Education Assessment is managed by the Division of Health and Wellness. Please visit OSSE’s Health and Physical Education Assessment page for more information.

Test Administration Archive

Contacts for Support

OSSE Support Tool:
OSSE Assessment Hotline: (202) 304-3269
OSSE Email: [email protected]