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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Programs and Services

Wherever you are on your career path, we have a program that can help you go to the next level.

If you know the career you are interested in, see if we have a program that can help you pursue it here.

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Alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS) is intended for students who have significant cognitive disabilities that prevent them from participating in the general assessment, even if provided with accommodations and/or modifications.

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Annual Reports from years 2006-2011.  The Office of the State Superintendent of Education contracts with an independent auditor to perform the annual audit of fall student enrollment counts.

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Annual State Grant Information

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OSSE's Assessments and Accountability Department supports the removal barriers and creates pathways for the District of Columbia's K-12 students to receive an excellent education and to prepare them for success.

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The ADT is an application that is a bridge from your student information system (SIS) to OSSE.  The ADT can be configured to interface with any existing SIS, or collect data via Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. 

Strawberries & Salad Greens Day
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Berries & Greens Day is June 5, 2024

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View the forms for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).

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In DC, the State Office of Career and Technical Education provides leadership, coordination, and technical assistance to ensure excellence in DC’s statewide system of career and technical education.

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Career and Technical Education (CTE)offers relevant and rigorous school experiences for students at all levels of achievement and interest

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The State CTE Office sponsors and provides logistics for professional development opportunities for teachers from both charter and public schools to attend the regional and national conferences.

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CTSO provides unique opportunities for students to receive vocational education support designed to enhance school-based and work-based learning. 

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The Office of Career Education Development supports CTE programs that will prepare District high school and community college students to succeed in a high-wage and high-demand careers.

Health and Human Services Icon
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Financial subsidy information, training and technical assistance, nutrition education, and food safety information for child development centers, adult day care centers, sponsored day care homes, afterschool programs, and emergency shelters.

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Training resources for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).

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Learn more about the annual 618 Child Count Data collection and the related Enrollment Audit requirements for students receiving special education services.

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View child-level progress data from preschool local education agencies (LEA) special education programs. 

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Learn more about the guidelines for MOA coordination to monitor civil rights compliance within local education agencies.

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The Division of Health and Wellness is responsible for all Civil Rights requirements under the US Department of Agriculture for the following programs:
