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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Civil Rights and Gender Equity Methods of Administration (MOA) Coordination

Under federal law, all students in the District are protected against discriminatory actions based upon a student’s sex, race, ethnic origin or disability. CTE students and families should expect the following:

  • Your school and school district must post the federal laws that explicitly note your rights that protect you against any type of discrimination that would prevent or deter you from equal access to enrolling and completing CTE courses;
  • Your school counselor must keep you informed about all post-secondary (college) scholarships and CTE-related work opportunities;
  • Your school and school district must draft grievance policies, let you know how to file a grievance, and who the contact person is; and
  • Your school’s facilities must accommodate for students with physical disabilities to ensure they have equal access to classrooms and all common areas at your school.

To ensure that your school and school district enforce these civil rights provisions, a Methods of Administration (MOA) coordinator will visit all District schools that receive federal funds and offer CTE programs. The Methods of Administration coordinator follows a very specific prescription of federal laws to ensure schools and school districts are in compliance.

Methods of Administration (MOA) Coordination - Civil Rights

Federal Register, Vol.44, No.56 – March 1979, requires that each state education agency establish and identify a Methods of Administration (MOA) coordinator to monitor civil rights compliance within the local education agencies (LEA) that provide Career and Technical Education (CTE) and receive federal financial assistance.

The US Department of Education (USDE) – Office for Civil Rights (OCR) provides guidance and monitors the state MOA coordinators in the implementation of mandated MOA guidelines and activities. MOA guidelines and activities include On-site Civil Rights Compliance Review Visits to grant subrecipient sites. Federal regulations define a “subrecipient” as any agency or institution receiving financial assistance from USDE and offering or administering vocational education programs or training, including State administered agencies/institutions. MOA coordinators must monitor for compliance with local/state regulations in addition to the following federal regulations:

US Department of Justice regulations implementing:

Guidelines for MOA coordination are also found in: Federal Register (vol. 44:56, March 21, 1979, pp. 17162-17175) promulgating the Guidelines for Eliminating Discrimination and Denial of Services on the Basis of Race, Color, National Origin, Sex, and Handicap in Vocational Education Programs; OCR Title VI requirements (34 CFR, Part 100); and in subsequent OCR Dear Colleague letters.