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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Education and Schools icon
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View presentations from the Division of Early Learning provider meetings.

Education and Schools icon
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View Early Learning education standards, regulations, policies, reports and helpful links.

Education and Schools icon
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Learn more about early learning and special education services for children with special needs in the District of Columbia .

Education and Schools icon
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Information regarding early care program start-up and maintenance.

Education and Schools icon
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Learn more about child care services and the regulation of child care in the District of Columbia.

Education and Schools icon
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Become an educational surrogate parent for a child in the District.

Educator Credentialing and Certification
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Apply for or renew your DC educator credential.

Permits, Licenses and Certifications icon
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Learn more about Educator Quality and Effectiveness, Teaching & Learning offered by the District of Columbia.

Training and Professional Certification
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Effective Behavior Support webinars review various aspects of behavior and support for students, particularly those with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).

Laws, regulations and courts icon
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Learn more about OSSE’s application to renew the District of Columbia’s ESEA flexibility Waiver through the 2017-2018 school year.

Education and Schools icon
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Enrollment information, forms and resources for SY 2012-2013.

Bar graph icon
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Data from the fall student enrollment audit. 

Education and Schools icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Enrollment information, training, forms and resources.

Education and Schools icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Enrollment information, forms and resources for SY 2013-2014.

Education and Schools icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Information about public school enrollment and residency requirements for District of Columbia residents.

Grants and Funding icon
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Brief, helpful instructional videos for the Enterprise Grants Management System.

Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Established in February 2016, OSSE’s Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre is a group of individuals from public and public charter schools across the District who are responsible for developing a plan to implement the

Education and Schools icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Environmental education guidance, training, and technical assistance for DC schools.

Permits, licenses and certifications icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Find out more about the LEA certification process and policy for the Extended School Year.

Grants Funding Icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

 A range of financial tools to help public charter schools meet facility needs.
