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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Specialized Education Local Policy Guidance

Current guidance on implementing the requirements of local policies related to the provision of special education and related services in the District of Columbia.

Dear Colleague Letters

OSSE Dear Colleague Letters are intended to notify local education agencies (LEAs) and education stakeholders of changes or clarifications in LEA obligations under IDEA.

Non-Regulatory Guidance 

Non-regulatory guidance documents support LEAs in carrying out IDEA obligations by sharing best practices and recommendations for LEA practice.

Special Education Policy Bulletins

OSSE Special Education Policy Bulletins clarify LEA responsibilities under IDEA related to specific topic areas.

Additional Information



Contact Us

For questions or additional information, please email [email protected].

Special education regulations, policies and guidance are administered by OSSE’s Office of Special Education within the Division of Systems and Supports, K-12.

[Date Posted: Feb. 27, 2023]

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