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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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OSSE Special Education Regulations, Policies, and Guidance

To support students with disabilities in the District of Columbia, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) develops regulations, policies and guidance governing the identification, evaluation and education of students with disabilities. Special education regulations and policies establish robust minimum requirements to ensure student rights and service provision, while guidance and resources support local education agencies (LEAs) to design and implement compliant and effective programs that improve outcomes for students with disabilities. OSSE also builds on the foundation of Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) regulations, policies and guidance by delivering capacity-building technical assistance and professional development to improve educator capacity to serve students with disabilities.

Under IDEA (20 USC §1412(a)), all states are required to establish regulations, policies, and procedures to ensure the implementation of IDEA and provision of a free appropriate public education to students with disabilities.



Contact Us

For questions or additional information, please email [email protected].

Special education regulations, policies, and guidance are administered by OSSE’s Office of Special Education within the Division of Systems and Supports, K-12.

[Date Posted: Feb. 27, 2023]