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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Invest in Schools Grants: Training and Technical Assistance

Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title I, Part A 1003 Investment in Schools (IIS) grant is awarded to schools identified for school improvement in the DC STAR Framework as Comprehensive Support 1 (CS1). The purpose of the funding is to support schools that require a comprehensive reform plan to meet students’ educational needs.


During the first year of the IIS grant, local education agencies (LEAs) that operate CS1 schools are required to complete and submit a Needs Assessment and School Improvement Plan. LEAs with more than one school must complete a Resource Equity Analysis to better understand how resources are allocated to CS school(s) as compared to the other schools in the LEA.

School Improvement Plan must address how grant funds will support three critical levers –people, instruction and structures. Plans must include evidence-based strategies and interventions for each lever. Plans must also describe the overall vision and goals for the school, how the LEA will determine whether the school is making progress, and how stakeholders will be involved in an ongoing manner.

Additional IIS Information

For additional information about IIS, please select the links below.


Contact Us

For questions or additional information about the Investment in Schools grant, please email [email protected].

The Investment in Schools is administered by OSSE’s Office of Federal Programs and Strategic Funding (OPCSFS) within the Division of Systems and Supports, K-12.

[Date Posted: Dec. 12, 2022]