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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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ESSER Grants: Application and Funding

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) grants provide funding to the District of Columbia state education agency (SEA) and local education agencies (LEAs) as they prepare for, respond to and address the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on students, families and educators. ESSER grants are administered by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) to support LEAs in expeditiously returning to in-person learning, addressing learning loss through evidence-based interventions, and creating a safe and healthy learning environment for students.

Applications for ESSER grants are completed annually in the Enterprise Grants Management System (EGMS). ESSER grants may only be used to support Title I-A eligible LEAs. OSSE created ESSER Equivalent grants for LEAs which are not eligible for ESSER grants. Please refer to the ESSER eligibility lists to determine if your LEA is eligible for ESSER grants or ESSER Equivalent grants.

The resources below are provided to support LEAs with their ESSER grant applications.

Grant Application Guides

LEA ESSER I-III Allocations

Budget Codes

Application Supplements

Application Closeout Resources

ESSER Application and Reimbursement Webinars

ESSER Grant Manager Contact List

Additional ESSER Information

For additional information about ESSER, please select the links below.


Contact Us

For questions about ESSER, please email [email protected].

ESSER grants are administered by OSSE’s Office of Federal Grants and Strategic Funding within the Division of Systems and Supports, K-12.

[Nov. 16, 2022]