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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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ESSER Grants: Data and Reporting

The District of Columbia received more than $600 million is Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding and OSSE currently administers $540 million in funding to 48 grantees. As the administrator of ESSER funding for the District, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) manages ESSER grants to local education agencies (LEAS), monitors grant recipients, and reports annual state-level ESSER data to the US Department of Education’s (USED).

Final ESSER LEA Allocations

To view information about how ESSER funding has been spent by OSSE and LEAs across the District, view the data in Restoration and Recovery Investments website. OSSE has also compiled a high-level summary of all LEA ESSER Spending from FY20-FY23.

Federal ESSER Reporting to USED

All state education agencies (SEAs) and LEAs that receive ESSER funding are required to participate in the USED annual reporting process. Data is collected through the Annual ESSER Reporting Data Collection Form (updated April 1, 2022). All reported data from the District of Columbia’s ESSER program is posted publicly on the USED Education Stabilization Fund Transparency Portal.

LEA Reporting Instructional Guides and Webinars

ESSER FY23 Carryover Estimates

Additional ESSER Information

For additional information about ESSER, please select the links below.


Contact Us

For questions about ESSER, please email [email protected].

ESSER grants are administered by OSSE’s Office of Federal Grants and Strategic Funding within the Division of Systems and Supports, K-12.

[Nov. 16, 2022]