WIOA Implementation | ACCESS DC! | My Journey DC | Grants | National Reporting System Data | Policies & Procedures | Guidance Letter(s) | Assessment | Learning Needs Screening | Technical Assistance | Monitoring | Resources
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Implementation
WIOA requires many agencies to work together on implementation to bring to fruition the vision of the DC WIOA Unified State Plan, Section II, (B)(1) to ensure that:
- Every DC resident is ready, able, and empowered to discover and attain their fullest potential through lifelong learning, sustained employment, and economic security.
- Businesses are connected to the skilled DC residents they need to compete globally, are full participants in the workforce system, and are able to drive the District’s economic growth.
- Residents and businesses in all eight wards are supported by a system that includes coordinated, cohesive, and integrated government agencies and partners working to help communities thrive.
The Mayor, the Workforce Investment Council, and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Core Partner Agencies, including the Department of Employment Services (DOES, Titles I and III), Office of the State Superintendent of Education, Adult and Family Education (OSSE, Title II), and Department on Disability Services, Rehabilitation Services Administration (DDS/RSA, Title IV), are working in collaboration with the Department of Human Services (DHS), the University of the District of Columbia Community College (UDC-CC) and other stakeholders.
OSSE’s authority for administering the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) grant is the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, Title II - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 – Public Law 113-128. You can review the District of Columbia’s Unified WIOA State Plan.
2022 WIOA State Plan Modification Now Available for Public Comment
We are grateful for the thoughtful input received from members of the community, labor organizations, employers, education and training providers and our agency partners while drafting the District of Columbia's 2022 WIOA Unified State Plan Modification. The final draft of the Plan is now posted and available for public comment.
We welcome your feedback at [email protected] between now and 5 p.m. on March 11, 2022. Thank you in advance, and we look forward to working alongside you to deliver upon the ambitious goals and strategies outlined in the plan.
The District’s workforce development partners have developed ACCESS DC! to better coordinate services across multiple public agencies. The ACCESS DC! orientation provides high-level information regarding the programs, services, and benefits available to eligible District residents. These services include education, training, and support services provided by:
- Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE);
- University of the District of Columbia (UDC);
- Department of Employment Services (DOES);
- Department on Disability Services/Rehabilitation Services Administration (DDS/RSA); and
- Department of Human Services (DHS).
Please use and share the resources below to connect with ACCESS DC partners and for step-by-step instructions to create a DC Networks account.
- ACCESS DC! A Guide to Navigating Programs and Services in the District of Columbia
- Back to Work DC - DC Networks Handout
My Journey DC
My Journey DC is a free tool that connects DC residents to career, training, education, and related services. My Journey DC can also support the work of agency professionals who are here to coach and guide District residents on their path to career success. District residents may create a job seeker account to learn about career, training, and education programs and services available in the District of Columbia. Get started today!
The DC Office of the State Superintendent (OSSE) is pleased to announce the release of the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the OSSE Adult and Family Education (AFE) Consolidated Competitive Grant. OSSE will award, on a competitive basis, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) funding, Gateway to Careers funding and Workforce Investment Council (WIC) Career Pathways funding in partnership with the DCWorkforce Investment Council (WIC) to eligible providers of demonstrated effectiveness to offer integrated education and training to District residents. The term “integrated education and training” refers to a service approach that provides adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement.
- Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) Title II COVID-19 Waiver Request
- FY 2020-21 OSSE AFE Consolidated Competitive Grant
- Integrated Education & Training (IE&T) Webinar - J. Mortrude
- OSSE AFE FY 2020-21 New Sub-grantee Orientation
- Considerations for Modifying OSSE AFE FY 2020-21 Grant Applications and Budgets
National Reporting System Data
The National Reporting System for Adult Education (NRS) is the outcome-based performance accountability system for the State-administered, federally funded Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) program. Developed by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), the NRS reporting system demonstrates outcomes for AEFLA participants. The online NRS database is a performance reporting system in which aggregate statewide data is collected on an annual basis and made available for public access.
Policies and Procedures
OSSE Adult and Family Education (AFE) develops policies and procedures to guide the administration of federal and local Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) Grant Funds. These policies and procedures are in place to ensure that state and local programs comply with federal, state, and local reporting and accountability requirements. AFE sub-grantees are monitored for adherence to these policies and procedures.
- DC Assessment Policy for WIOA Providers and Core Partners v. 5.0
- DC OSSE AFE Data Collection and Reporting Policy
- DC OSSE AFE Distance Education Policy for WIOA Title II Providers and Partners
- DC Internal Control Policy for the Accurate Tracking and Reporting of Grant Expenditures 2.1
OSSE Guidance Letter(s) - Adult and Family Education
- OGL-AFE 1-2024 – Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment Implementation v. 1.0
- DC Digital Literacy Skill Levels and Correlation Chart for Recommended Instructional Hours for Academic Intervention Per the Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment (Printable Charts)
- OGL-AFE 2-2024 - CASAS New and Expiring Assessments – Guidance for CASAS Administration
- OGL-AFE 1-20 - CASAS Remote Testing
- Guidance Related to Coronavirus (COVID-19): WIOA, Title II, Adult Education, and Family Literacy Act Frequently Asked Questions (Issued: 5/4/2020)
The Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems (CASAS) is the state mandated assessment system in the District of Columbia. AFE provides CASAS Implementation Training and CASAS eTest Coordinator and Proctor Preparation regularly to DC providers and partners. Assessment data is use to determine placement and to monitor student performance and progress. Charts showing CASAS scale scores, National Reporting System (NRS) Educational Functioning Levels (EFLs) and Grade Level Equivalencies are posted on the CASAS website.
AFE also provides training and resources to help providers and partners screen adults for learning and other disabilities. Please visit our Learning Needs Screening sections for these resources.
- OSSE AFE CASAS Implementation Training Modules 1 & 2 (full slides)
- OSSE AFE CASAS Implementation Training Modules 1 & 2 (2 slides per page)
- DC CASAS Remote Testing Implementation Training PPT
- CASAS Implementation Updates: New and Expiring Assessments - June 10, 2019 [view webinar] [view presentation]
Learning Needs Screening
OSSE Adult and Family Education uses a learning needs screening tool to screen adult learners for disabilities. Adult education, integrated education and training, and/or Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) providers and partners may also use these tools to screen adult participants for learning disabilities.
- Learning Needs Screening Tool
- Student Learning Information Questionnaire for English Language Learners
- Supporting Adult Learners with Special Needs PowerPoint
Technical Assistance
AFE provides technical assistance to sub-grantees, adult education and training providers, and other stakeholders on intake and assessment, instruction, program design, and accountability. For technical assistance, please email [email protected].
AFE monitors sub-grantees that receive federal and local funds. The monitoring system we use to evaluate sub-grantee performance includes the following activities: on-site visit(s), desk review(s), and classroom observation(s) of each sub-grantee each program year.
OSSE's Adult and Family Education (OSSE AFE) has a robust monitoring system for evaluating the progress and performance of OSSE AFE sub-recipients. View a sample of the OSSE AFE Fiscal Year 2019-20 Monitoring System.
OSSE AFE Fiscal Year 2019-20 Monitoring System includes the following components:
- OSSE AFE Continuous Improvement Plan
- OSSE AFE Monthly Statistical/Quarterly Narrative Report
- OSSE AFE Quarterly Monitoring – Program Income Report
- OSSE AFE Quarterly Monitoring – Cost Reimbursement Verification
- OSSE AFE Quarterly Monitoring – Match Requirement Verification
- OSSE AFE Quarterly Monitoring – Program Income Verification
- Time and Effort Semi-Annual Certification Template
- Time and Effort – Personnel Activity Report Template
- OSSE AFE Classroom Observation Form
- Student Folder and LACES Verification Checklist for OSSE AFE Programs
- Individual Career Pathways Transition Plan for OSSE AFE Programs
- OSSE AFE Final Monitoring Tool
- OSSE AFE Consolidated Continuation Grant Excel Budget Workbook
- OSSE AFE Grant Modification Request Form
In addition to the resource links provided below, AFE makes instructional resources available to integrated education and training, adult and family education, workforce preparation, and workforce training providers and partners for use by and with District residents. Agencies may use these resources for classroom instruction and District residents may use them for self-directed study.
Blended & Distance LearningNational Resources
Action Research Distance Learning Project 2019-2020 |
Integrated Education & Training (IE&T)There are a number of national organizations providing materials on how to implement Integrated Education & Training at the local and state levels. Resources we trust include CASAS and National Skills Coalition. |
Labor Market InformationThe DC Department of Employment Services (DOES) provides labor market information about the District of Columbia and the Washington metropolitan area on high-demand sectors and the fastest growing occupations. |
The DC Workforce Investment Council (WIC) is a private-sector led board responsible for advising the Mayor, Council, and District government on the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of an integrated and effective workforce investment system.
National Reporting SystemThe National Reporting System (NRS) for Adult Education is an outcome-based reporting system for the State-administered adult education programs. |
StandardsNational Standards
OSSE's Adult and Family Education (AFE) Standards for Integrated Education and Training (IET) |
Career Coach DC
Career Coach DC is designed to help District residents with career exploration by providing the most current labor market information regarding salaries, employment, job postings, and related education and training. Career Coach users gain information about national and regional high-demand industries as well as the occupations and skills associated with these industries. With Career Coach, users can look at the transferability of skills between occupations, see local employers’ skills needs, and analyze career paths.
Essential Education
Essential Education has five instructional resources available:
1. CASAS GOALS Academy
- Skill-based lessons aligned to CASAS GOALS series and CASAS competencies.
- Lessons suitable for adult learners at grade level equivalency 4-10.
- Uses CASAS scale scores or internal placement test based on the CASAS competencies to determine suitable lessons.
2. Computer Essentials
- Over 40 lessons focusing on basic computer skills/digital literacy.
- Initial assessment determines student’s familiarity with technology.
3. GED Academy
- Adaptive learning platform creates individualized student learning plans.
- Lessons suitable for adult learners at grade level equivalency 4-12.
- Four predictive practice tests in each GED subject area.
- Extended response essays scored by professional staff.
4. Money Essentials
- Lessons focusing on math, reading and financial literacy.
- Shows students how to evaluate their credit standing.
5. Work Essentials
- Seventeen lessons focusing on workforce readiness.
IXL Learning
The IXL Learning platform is a personalized digital learning space with a K-12 curriculum that has more than 9,000 skills in math, English language arts, science, social studies, and Spanish. OSSE Adult and Family Education makes IXL Learning licenses available to DC providers and partners serving adults and older youth to support adult learners in acquiring the literacy and numeracy skills needed to succeed in college and careers. By using real-time diagnostics, a comprehensive curriculum, individualized lessons and actionable analytics, this instructional resource can be used to create personalized learning plans for older youth and adult learners in adult education, Integrated Education & Training, and/or workforce programs.
How Can My Agency Access these Resources?
OSSE makes Career Coach DC and Essential Education available to DC providers and partners.
Career Coach DC does not require a login so you can start using it now!
To request access to any of the resources listed above, please submit an email to [email protected] requesting access and including, your name, your email and phone number as well as your agency name, address and website. Please also include your mission statement and the primary population that your agency serves.