Archived Guidance
- OSSE’s Local Education Agency Equity Plan Template and Related Guidance provides the template for completing LEA Equity Plans and LEA Equity Plan Updates.
- OSSE’s LEA Equity Plan Rubric provides the rubric used to provide feedback on LEA Equity Plans.
- OSSE’s Local Education Agency Equity Gap Calculation Guidance provides the methodology for identifying equity gaps.
Archived Resources
The following archived resources are aligned with OSSE’s historical teacher equity guidance; though the guidance is no longer current, the materials are provided here as a resource. Each document in the toolkit is aligned to OSSE’s archived Equity Plan Template and Related Guidance.
- Section 1: Analyzing and Prioritizing Equity Gaps –This resource provides guidance around unpacking equity data, identifying which aspects of the data are most important, and setting meaningful goals for closing gaps.
- Section 2: Analyzing Root Causes – This resource provides guidance for conducting a root cause analysis that identifies underlying causes contributing to teacher equity gaps.
- Section 3: Strategies for Eliminating Equity Gaps – This resource provides guidance on identifying and selecting promising strategies to the address root causes of equity gaps, within the context of a theory of action.
- Section 4: Developing a Monitoring Plan – This resource provides guidance and resources for assessing progress and supporting implementation.
- Sample LEA Equity Plan: This resource provides an example LEA Equity Plan, built for a fictional DC LEA.
OSSE, Division of Teaching and Learning
- Rose Goff, [email protected]
- Laura Montas, [email protected]