On Tuesday, June 30, 2020, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), in partnership with the DC Workforce Investment Council (WIC), announced the winners of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II Adult and Family Education Consolidated Competitive Grant for Fiscal Year 2020-21.
Through this competitive grant process, OSSE, in alignment with the District of Columbia Unified State Plan, sought eligible providers of demonstrated effectiveness to provide integrated education and training services to District youth and adults.
The Fiscal Year 2020-21 OSSE AFE Consolidated Competitive Grant awardees are:
- Academy of Hope Adult Public Charter School
- Briya Public Charter School
- Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
- Congress Heights Community Training and Development Corporation
- Four Walls Career and Technical Education Center
- Latin American Youth Center Career Academy
- Opportunities Industrialization Center-DC (OIC-DC)
- So Others Might Eat (SOME) Center for Employment Training
- Southeast Welding Center, Inc.
- The Family Place, Inc.
- YouthBuild Public Charter School
- YWCA National Capital Area
Based on the sub-grantees’ performance, student outcomes, and the availability of funding, these sub-grantees may be eligible to receive continuation funding for up to four additional years (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2025).
Integrated Education & Training (IE&T) programs are based on a service approach that provides adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with targeted workforce preparation and training. This model is prioritized in WIOA and is considered a national best practice in adult education and workforce development due to its ability to reduce the amount of time it takes for adult learners to become prepared for gainful employment along a career pathway.
Focusing these funds on the IE&T program model is a continuation of the successful approach that OSSE began in program year 2017-18. The transition to this programmatic approach led to significant improvements in performance outcomes over the past few years including a 50 percent measurable skill gains rate, which is a 35 percent increase over two years; and a credential attainment rate (inclusive of secondary credentials and industry-recognized certifications) of 44 percent which falls within the highest quartile in the nation and which far exceeds the national median of 27.15 percent.
Each of the OSSE AFE Consolidated Competitive Grant awardees identified one or more industries of focus, including Early Childhood Education, Healthcare, Hospitality, Business Administration, Information Technology, Construction, and Law and Security; all of which are aligned with the District's Workforce Investment Council 's list of high-demand employment sectors.
Sub-grantees will deliver services in partnership with adult education programs, industry-specific training programs, industry partners, and social service organizations that provide non-academic support services, such as case management, supported-referrals to other services and public benefits, and childcare, to name a few. These collaborations will ensure that District residents can enter a funded program and advance along a clearly articulated career pathway with seamless transitions between partnering programs
OSSE congratulates the OSSE AFE Consolidated Competitive Grant awardees and acknowledges all of the work they do in service to, and on behalf of, District residents.
Related Content: Adult Education Providers and Partners | Integrated Education & Training (IE&T) by Judy Mortrude