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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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K-12 Educator Quality and Effectiveness

DC Model Teacher Evaluation System

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s (OSSE) District of Columbia Model Teacher Evaluation System (MTES) is a comprehensive evaluation framework designed to help local education agencies (LEAs) assess the performance of their teachers. The framework serves as the foundation for comprehensive teacher evaluation processes.

The MTES was developed for DC educators by DC educators and was piloted by seven DC LEAs. The effective teaching framework includes observations with a corresponding rubric, feedback, coaching domains, a teacher action planning tool, and a suite of other related resources.

Model DC School Leadership Standards and Supports

School leaders are essential to local education agencies (LEA) strategies for improving educational equity and student achievement in public schools in the District of Columbia. To support District of Columbia LEAs, OSSE worked with the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders, other national experts, and educators from across the District to improve supports for principals. A first result of this effort is the new Model DC School Leadership Standards, which align with national principal standards and are tailored to the local DC context. This document is an optional support for DC LEAs, who can use these standards as a tool in their recruitment, preparation, development, evaluation, and retention of school leaders.

DC Staffing Collaborative

The DC Staffing Data Collaborative is a partnership between LEAs, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), and TNTP that is designed to help LEAs develop a strategic staffing policy to attract and retain the teachers they need. The LEAs, that participated in the project so far, have enjoyed a leading role in choosing the data they submit to OSSE; funding for administering the TNTP School Insight Survey; and a robust analysis of their staffing data. In the upcoming weeks, we are offering additional LEAs the opportunity to join the third year of the project. In addition to providing LEAs with meaningful data analysis to assist with effective staffing, the project aims to change the way LEAs work with OSSE on teacher-related data collection, reporting, and use.

Recognition and Support Opportunities for DC Educators