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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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High-Impact Tutoring (HIT) Initiative

Grant opportunity to fund Local Education Agencies to implement high-quality HIT services in schools during the 2024-25 school year.

Overview of OSSE HIT Initiative

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) is leading a three-year, $33 million investment in scaling and supporting high-impact tutoring (HIT) across the District, with a particular focus on students who are furthest from opportunity. This investment is a core part of the city’s pandemic recovery strategy, given the strong body of evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of HIT as an intervention that can produce dramatic gains in student learning. Through this investment, OSSE strives to accelerate learning for students who were impacted by pandemic learning disruptions and to address long-standing opportunity gaps among DC students.

Grant competitions have been central to furthering this initiative. OSSE has awarded grants since 2021 to support evidence-based tutoring programs to scale; to deliver strategic program supports to local education agencies and tutoring providers; and to conduct a robust program evaluation of the HIT initiative.

For more information about OSSE’s High-Impact Tutoring initiative please email [email protected].