OSSE’s High-Impact Tutoring (HIT) Initiative funds tutoring programs at schools. Use the resources below to support your organization’s HIT programming.
High-Impact Tutoring: Accelerating Student Learning by Expanding Opportunity describes the essential components of a strong HIT program and the commitment to continuous improvement that it takes to achieve the quality that students deserve.
Schools Eligible for OSSE-Funded HIT Supports
This spreadsheet identifies all schools in DC that are eligible for OSSE-funded HIT supports based on their listed percentage of economically disadvantaged students in the past three years. Schools with at least 70% of students designated as economically disadvantaged, or schools designated as Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools in the past three years, are priority schools for the HIT Initiative.
Free Math Tutoring Lessons
CityTutor DC partnered with OSSE, DC Public Schools, and experienced local educators to develop math tutoring lessons for third to eighth grade students to support the implementation of high-impact tutoring across the District. These lessons are aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), are available at no cost, and are created for the growing pool of tutors who are not trained teachers or have limited math content knowledge.
Invoicing Submission Guidance
This guidance is based on the terms and requirements outlined in executed Human Care Agreements and from the DC Vendor Portal manual on creating and submitting an invoice to ensure compliance and proper processing of payment requests. Follow the steps shown here when submitting an invoice in the DC Vendor Portal.
DCPS Partnership Resources
If you work with a DCPS school to provide HIT programs, or are interested in doing so, you can access great information and resources by checking out the DCPS Partnerships website.
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