The Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s (OSSE’s) Fiscal Year 2022 Performance Oversight responses and corresponding attachments.
FY 22 Performance Oversight Hearing Narrative
Q1 - Organization Chart
Q2 - Schedule A
Q6 - OSSE DOT Bonuses
Q10 - Intra-District Transfers
Q12 - Internal Reprogramming
Q13 - Special Purpose Revenue
Q14 - FY23 Budget (pdf)
Q14 - FY23 Budget (xlsx)
Q15 - MOUs
Q24 - Procurements Over $10K
Q32 - OSSE Annual FOIA Report FY22
Q33 - OSSE Annual Performance Plan FY22
Q33 - OSSE Annual Performance Plan FY23
Q38 - Pre-K
Q39 - ELs
Q40 - Language Survey
Q41 - At Risk Counts
Q42 - Mobility
Q45 - Dropouts and Postsecondary
Q50 - Graduation
Q77 - IEPs
Q78 - Outcomes for SWDs
Q94(e) - DCTAG Institution
Q97 - My School DC
Q103 - ESEA Titles Grant Funding