Relevant Content Standards
- The North American Association for Environmental Education has developed resources that highlight the connections between environmental literacy and national standards.
- The Environmental Literacy Framework [PDF] provides guidance for teaching Next Generation Science Standards through an environmental context.
Curriculum Guides
- Environmental Literacy Guides [PDF] for pre-K through Grade 5 Educators are intended to provide inspiration for guiding questions and starting points for environmental investigations that can take place in the classroom, on school grounds, in nearby neighborhoods, or offsite.
- DC Public Schools' Biology Curriculum Guide (SY23-24): Units 1 and 2 focus on ecosystems and the environment
- DC Public Schools’ Environmental Science Curriculum Guide (SY23-24)
- High School Environmental Science Instructional Sequences were developed by District teachers to support teaching NGSS through the 5E instructional model.
- Environmental Literacy Units: Nine draft curriculum units, intended for field testing, are recommended resources for school-based environmental literacy implementation plans and Next Generation Science Standards.
- Exploring Nature on School Grounds: on-line webinar that describes how school grounds and gardens provide opportunities to engage students in meaningful watershed educational experiences.