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Title I Part D (Neglected and Delinquent Youth)

Request for Public Comments on Proposed Tydings Waiver for Title I, Part D Grant

What is Title I Part D (TIPD)?

Each year, the US Department of Education (USED) awards the District of Columbia a Title I Part D (TIPD) grant. The TIPD grant is a federal education program that provides financial assistance to support the education of students who are placed in secure detention facilities. The purpose of this grant is to:

  • Improve educational services so that students can meet challenging state academic content and achievement standards;
  • Provide services so that students can successfully transition from institutionalization to further schooling or employment; and
  • Prevent youth from dropping out of school and provide youth who have dropped out and youth returning from detention facilities with a support system to ensure their continued education.

See the allowable uses of funds here.

Who receives the funding from the TIPD grant?

In the District, the Department of Youth Rehabilitative Services (DYRS) receives TIPD funding to serve students at two facilities: New Beginnings Youth Development Center and Youth Services Center (YSC).

What data collections are required under the TIPD grant?

Each year, USED requires agencies that receive TIPD funding to complete two separate data collections, the Annual Count and the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR). Additional details related to each data collection process can be found below:

Annual Count

The annual count is a count of all youth in a state’s TIPD-eligible institutions. OSSE collects annual count data and then reports it to USED in January. USED uses annual count data to determine the amount of funding that will be allocated to a state for its TIPD programs in the following fiscal year.

Consolidated State Performance Report

The Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) is an annual data reporting tool that each state must complete for programs that are authorized under Section 8303 of the ESEA, including TIPD programs.

Instructions for completing the FY24 CSPR Data Collection Tool will be available at a later date.

If you have any questions, comments, or need additional information regarding Title I Part D funding, please contact Megan Williams at [email protected].

Related Content: Title I of the Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) | Elementary & Secondary Education Act

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