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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Elementary & Secondary Education Act

On June 23, the Department of Education approved OSSE’s application to renew the District of Columbia’s ESEA flexibility Waiver through the 2017-2018 school year. This application continues and builds upon the successful policies that were implemented since the waiver was in place. In this renewal application, OSSE is seeking to reaffirm DC’s emphasis for ensuring that students graduate college and career-ready, through the implementation of new state assessments aligned to both the CCSS, and the District’s Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). In addition, OSSE is refining and improving the state system of differentiated accountability and support by clarifying what we are doing to support schools and when we implement differentiated supports.

The renewal application is a product of extensive public engagement and consultation with students, teachers, principals, school administrators, parents, advocates, Local Education Agencies, and other education stakeholders. The rigor of the public engagement process resulted in essential insights from the field that informed the content of the application. View the list of public engagement events that OSSE conducted.


US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan visited DC to announce his vision for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) that continues a focus on the nation’s most vulnerable students. Read more

DC’s ESEA Flexibility Extension Request was approved by the US Department of Education (USDE) in September 2014. This extension request incorporates plans to improve implementation according to the approved waiver as well as amendments to the original waiver.

Message from State Superintendent Regarding the SBOE Waiver Approval

ESEA Resources

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1050 First Street, NE

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1050 First Street, NE