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Trainer Approval Program (TAP) Initial Approval Application

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The TAP initial approval application for individual, organization and exempt certified trainers is now an online application that can be accessed during the application period of each annual TAP application cycle (Jan. 1-31). The initial approval application for individual and organization applicants and the initial approval application for exempt applicants below are provided only as aids in the preparation of information and materials needed to complete the online application. The applications will only be accepted as submitted online through the mentioned link. A user guide for the application is provided below. Please be sure to consult the “Initial Approval Application Checklist” below before completing the application. The applications and checklist may also be found in the appendices of the TAP Manual (September 2023).

If seeking exempt approval, first contact Hurley and Associates, LLC (H&A) at [email protected] or (202) 905-2358, to confirm eligibility and to discuss any questions. Applications for exempt trainers do not have to be submitted during the regular TAP application cycle; they may be submitted at any time of the year.

TAP Initial Approval Application in QuickBase

Applications and Checklist

Sample Training Module Template

Child Development Associate (CDA) Trainers

TAP applicants applying for approval to be certified as a CDA trainer must complete the form below with the proposed training curriculum to be used. The TAP applicant must then upload the document in the appropriate section of the online application. Per the Council for Professional Recognition (the administrator of the CDA credential), individual trainers are not eligible to be trainers for the CDA. CDA trainers must come from an organization and cannot be an individual trainer.

Amending an Approved Initial Approval Application

A TAP-certified trainer may amend their approved initial approval/renewal application in the ways below at any time of the year:

  • Add a core knowledge area
  • Add a training delivery method
  • Increase the training content level
  • Add or remove trainers from the approved list (organization/exempt trainers only)

Complete the form below and submit it along with the required documentation to Hurley and Associates, LLC (H&A) at [email protected]. Refer to the “Amending an Approved Application” section in the TAP Manual (September 2023) for more information regarding the required documentation for each type of amendment.

For questions about the TAP process, please contact Hurley and Associates, LLC (H&A) at [email protected] or (202) 905-2358.

Related Content: Trainer Approval Program (TAP) Process | DC Child Care Connections | Professional Development Resources for Early Learning Educators | Early Learning