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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Quality Improvement Network Hub Grant Request for Applications

The purpose of the Quality Improvement Network (QIN) Hub grant is to support the implementation of Early Head Start (EHS) by providing services to infants and toddlers up to the age of 36 months and their families with low incomes, and participating QIN child development facilities, also referred to as child care partners (CCPs). The grant program will provide services to include eligibility, recruitment, selection, enrollment and attendance (ERSEA); high-quality and comprehensive services to include early education and child development, health, family engagement and disabilities; and training, technical assistance and professional development. This grant aligns with the Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s (OSSE’s) Start Early priority in OSSE’s 2023-2025 strategic plan.

Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Request for Applications (RFA)

The QIN grant will be available through a competitive process. Eligible applicants must demonstrate expertise in:

  • Early childhood education
  • EHS
  • Financial management
  • Quality assurance
  • Ongoing monitoring of program deliverables, and
  • Previous experience providing supports related to education and child development, health, family engagement, transition services, disability services, program management and quality improvement and human resources, including within the District’s mixed delivery early care and education system.

OSSE intends to award at least one grant from this RFA. The maximum annual amount based on funding availability is up to $4,356,645 per year for each of the five years of the grant. The number of awards granted will be based on the quality and number of applications received. OSSE reserves the right to issue more than one award for this funding opportunity and maintains the right to adjust the grant award and amount based on funding availability. Successful applicants may be awarded amounts less than requested.

View the RFA here.

Pre-Application Webinar

A pre-application was held on Tuesday, June 18. View the presentation here.

Application Submission Closing Date

Applications are due no later than 3 p.m. on Tuesday, July 23. Applications must be submitted through EGMS. Late applications will not be accepted. Once an application is submitted, it cannot be revised.

Agency Contact

For questions related to the QIN Hub grant, contact:

Lysa Torres
Program Manager
Division of Early Learning (DEL)
(202) 285-3518
[email protected]

Samantha Young
Financial Program Analyst
(202) 714-2752
[email protected]