Ensure early learners have access to vibrant and quality early learning environments and are prepared for their K-12 education.
Strategic Initiatives:
Preserve Child Care Seats through Recovery: OSSE continues to implement policies and funding to preserve the supply of child care and support children, families and child care operators through recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, including Access to Quality, Child Care Stabilization, Back to Work Child Care and subsidy policies.
Increase the Long-Term Supply, Quality and Affordability of Child Care: OSSE leads development and implementation of a set of long-term strategies and investments to increase the supply, quality and affordability of quality infant and toddler seats and connect families with early learning opportunities that meet their needs.
Invest in the Early Learning Workforce: OSSE implements a set of strategies and investments to support, develop, retain and compensate the District’s early learning workforce and cultivate a pipeline of well-prepared educators to support the District’s youngest learners, including Pay Equity fund, DC LEAD and CDA Programs.
Align Stakeholders on Birth to 8 Vision: OSSE engages key stakeholders in developing a clear vision and corresponding action plan to measure and improve early learning outcomes for children ages birth to eight.
Support Early Learners with Disabilities and Developmental Delays: OSSE supports early learners with disabilities and development delays, and their families, through effective delivery of early-intervention services, building the capacity of child development facilities and supporting smooth transitions to public schools.
Key Results – How we’ll measure progress
- Increase Quality Infant and Toddler Seats
- Increase Quality Pre-K Seats
Priority Lead: Sara Mead, Deputy Superintendent of Early Learning
>> Click here to see how federal recovery dollars are being used to support the Start Early priority.