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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Strategic Plan Priority 1: Start Early

Ensure early learners have access to vibrant and quality early learning environments and are prepared for their K-12 education. 

Strategic Initiatives: 

  • Preserve Child Care Seats through Recovery: OSSE continues to implement policies and funding to preserve the supply of child care and support children, families and child care operators through recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, including Access to Quality, Child Care Stabilization, Back to Work Child Care and subsidy policies. 

  • Increase the Long-Term Supply, Quality and Affordability of Child Care: OSSE leads development and implementation of a set of long-term strategies and investments to increase the supply, quality and affordability of quality infant and toddler seats and connect families with early learning opportunities that meet their needs. 

  • Invest in the Early Learning Workforce: OSSE implements a set of strategies and investments to support, develop, retain and compensate the District’s early learning workforce and cultivate a pipeline of well-prepared educators to support the District’s youngest learners, including Pay Equity fund, DC LEAD and CDA Programs. 

  • Align Stakeholders on Birth to 8 Vision: OSSE engages key stakeholders in developing a clear vision and corresponding action plan to measure and improve early learning outcomes for children ages birth to eight. 

  • Support Early Learners with Disabilities and Developmental Delays: OSSE supports early learners with disabilities and development delays, and their families, through effective delivery of early-intervention services, building the capacity of child development facilities and supporting smooth transitions to public schools. 

Key Results – How we’ll measure progress 

  • Increase Quality Infant and Toddler Seats 
  • Increase Quality Pre-K Seats 

Priority Lead: Sara Mead, Deputy Superintendent of Early Learning

>> Click here to see how federal recovery dollars are being used to support the Start Early priority