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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Charter Schools Program Grants: Data and Reporting

CSP Planning and Implementation Grant

The Charter Schools Program (CSP) Planning and Implementation grant is a three-year grant that supports new charter schools as they establish strong operational systems and rigorous academic programs critical to successfully serving students.

CSP Replication, Expansion, and School Takeover Grant

The CSP Replication, Expansion and School Takeover grants are two-year grants that create strong conditions for student learning through adding additional seats in high-quality charter schools with a proven track record of increasing student achievement for all learners.

Additional CSP Information

For additional information about CSP, please select the links below.


Contact Us

For questions or additional information, please email [email protected].

The Charter Schools Program is administered by OSSE’s Office of Federal Programs and Strategic Funding within the Division of Systems and Supports, K-12.

[Publication Date: Dec. 7, 2022]