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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Recovery Funding

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund

The US Department of Education (USED) has awarded the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) three federal grants for elementary and secondary schools to receive emergency funds. These funds may be used to support Title I-A eligible local education agency (LEA) efforts now and to continue the work of recovery over the next few school years. ESSER Equivalent funding is available to non-Title I-A eligible LEAs.

Per federal requirements, 10 percent of DC’s ESSER awards are for state education agency (SEA) reservation, a maximum of 0.5 percent of this total may be used for administrative costs. ESSER III-ARP includes specific set-asides within the SEA reservation.

ESSER State Reserve.PNG

For more information and resources on ESSER, please visit OSSE’s ESSER webpage.

The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief – Homeless Children and Youth Fund (ARP-HCY)

ARP-Homeless will serve as a resource to help LEAs:

  • Reengage students who have been disconnected due to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Connect students to resources such as transportation, housing, medical care, etc.
  • Recover student learning

American Rescue Plan Act – District of Columbia Homeless Children and Youth State Plan (approved by USED on Dec. 17, 2021) can be found here.

For more information and resources on ARP-HCY, please visit OSSE’s Homeless Education Program webpage.

The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds for FY21 include a supplemental increase to IDEA, Part B through ARP-IDEA 611 and ARP-IDEA 619. The IDEA Part B formula grants assist the District in providing a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment for children with disabilities ages 3 through 21. Applications for ARP-IDEA funding will be available in the Enterprise Grants Management System (EGMS) on March 14, 2022.


Additional details about IDEA funding are available on OSSE’s Specialized Education Fiscal Policy and Grants Management webpage.

Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund

  • GEER I: DC’s $5,807,678 GEER I award will support provision of technology and connectivity to bridge the digital divide, mental health supports, and school safety in DC schools.
  • GEER II: DC’s $2,415,567 GEER II award will support expanding access to early childhood education.

More information on the GEER program can be found on the US Department of Education’s GEER webpage.

Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) Program

EANS provides support and assistance to eligible non-public schools to safely reopen schools, measure and effectively address learning loss, and take other actions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the students and families who attend non-public schools. More information is available on OSSE’s EANs webpage and on the US Department of Education’s EANS webpage.

Questions? For more information or questions, please contact [email protected].