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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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ESSA Early Learning Coordination

To help young children transition to pre-K and kindergarten, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires local education agencies (LEAs) receiving Title I funding to sign a written agreement coordinating with Head Start and other early learning programs on students’ transition to the LEA in pre-K or kindergarten. Domains of coordination include:

  • Data and Records Sharing (including securely transferring students’ early childhood records to the LEA, with parental consent)
  • Communication and Coordination of Services
  • Family Engagement
  • Joint Professional Development
  • Standards, Curriculum and Instructions

LEAs that are Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title I, Part A (Title I-A) grantees and receive new students in pre-K and kindergarten grades must maintain documentation of their signed Memorandum of Agreements (MOAs) and early childhood coordination activities. Maintaining documentation is a requirement of the Title I grant and the LEA will be expected to provide the documents for grant monitoring.

LEAs may meet the ESSA coordination requirement through the following options:

  • Option 1: Sign onto the citywide MOA developed by OSSE, which includes responsibilities of LEAs, Head Start agencies (HSAs) and OSSE.
  • Option 2: Adapt the template to fit your LEA’s needs and obtain the signatures of all DC HSAs on your adapted version.
  • Option 3: Develop your own separate MOA(s), either individually or together, with all DC HSAs that could transition their students to the LEA.

To learn more about the ESSA coordination requirement, view this overview.

To sign on to the citywide MOA, please contact Jayna Jamgotchian at [email protected].

MOA Attachments

Key Resources

Related Content:

Every Student Succeeds Act
Serving Preschool Children Through Title I, Part A of the of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (US Department of Education)
Preschool Dear Colleague Letter on Inclusion (US Department of Education)