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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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E.g., 07/17/2024
E.g., 07/17/2024

This document is the final, authoritative record of the metrics included in the 2015 Equity Reports for individual schools and the citywide profile (housed on and how they were calculated.


OSSE and the Healthy Youth and Schools Commission are pleased to provide a free one-page flyer that you can send home with your students to ensure that the gains we make in school under the Healthy Schools Act stick.


PARCC Overview: PowerPoint with context on how PARCC establishes a new baseline for students’ success. Personalize final slide to include specific points of contact for your LEA


Understanding the New PARCC Assessment: One-page explanation of what PARCC is, why it matters, how it is different from prior assessments, when scores will be available, and how scores will be used


PARCC Overview: PowerPoint with context on how PARCC establishes a new baseline for students’ success.


The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is a group of states—including yours—that have come together to develop high-quality student assessments aligned with the new Common Core State Standards in English language arts/literacy and mathematics.


Residency Verification Overview

  • DC residents are entitled to free public education and priority enrollment.
  • Nonresidents must pay tuition.
  • Annual residency verification by October 5


The LEA Student Information System (SIS)

  • The system where LEAs input student enrollment, demographic, residency/tuition payment data.

The State Longitudinal Education Data system (SLED)


    The purpose of this presentation is to inform School Leaders, Heads of Schools, Test Integrity Coordinators and Authorized Personnel involved with the administration of a District-wide assessment the proposed changes to the 2013 Test Integrity Act.


    This is an important notice for users who are in the middle of completing processes in SEDS or who will be amending an IEP after the release.


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