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FitArlington Healthy Vending Initiative

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Overview of USDA Smart Snacks in School standards, why vending matters to staff and students, how it’s being accomplished through FitArlington's Healthy Vending Initiative, and the dangers of energy drinks (using National Soda Summit resources.

Speaker Information

Erica Krepp, Community Health Promotion Programmer, Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation Office of Community Health

Erica Krepp, MS, CHES is the Community Health Promotion Coordinator for Arlington County Parks and Recreation's Office of Community Health. In this role, she has been the catalyst for the expansion of the FitArlington Healthy Vending Initiative into all parks, community centers, government employee sites, and all public schools. She is additionally responsible for developing food policies for Arlington County's after-school programs, summer camps, and preschools. Prior to her position in Arlington, Mrs. Krepp was the Project Coordinator of the NYC Healthy Hospital Food Initiative at the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, where she recruited and supported over 30 hospitals to improve their vending machines using the NYC Food Standards. She has also worked in the Division of Preventative Medicine at the Suffolk County Department of Health and Human Services, where she managed the New York State Department of Health Healthy Communities Capacity Building Initiative and the employee wellness program Ship Shape. Erica received her Masters of Science degree in Community Health from Hofstra University, her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from George Washington University, and is a Certified Health Education Specialist. She is a member of the National Parks and Recreation Association, Arlington County School Health Advisory Board and Northern Virginia Healthy Kids Coalition, is the Community Service Chair for the local chapter of the Society for Public health Education (SOPHE) and sits on the steering committee for the Action for Healthy Kids DC/MD/VA region.

DC Metro Teacher Wellness Symposium Presentations

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