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Standard School Service Provider (SSP) Certification

A Standard credential is a full renewable certification that allows the holder to provide services in the student service provider area as indicated. Standard SSP credentials are valid for four years. To meet current eligibility requirements, applicants must successfully complete all requirements as indicated below.

Reading Specialist

  • Holds a completed master’s degree from an approved program in reading/literacy education or
  • Has completed an advanced certificate or graduate program in reading and holds a completed master’s degree that includes reading coursework in each of the areas listed below. A letter grade of “C” or higher shall be required to accept coursework.
  1. Clinical or laboratory practicum
  2. Diagnosis and correction of reading problems, learning styles and disabilities
  3. Children/adolescent literature
  4. Human growth and development
  5. Collaborative planning and communicating; and
  6. Reading research
  • Has completed directed field experience as part of the program or has completed two years of school-based teaching experience or has completed one year of experience as a reading specialist; and
  • Has achieved a passing score for the DC-required reading specialist content exam or has passed a comparable exam in another state where an active reading specialist credential is held.

Required Documents to Submit

School Librarian

  • Holds a completed master’s degree from an approved program in school library science education or
  • Holds a completed master’s degree and have completed graduate coursework in each of the areas listed below. A letter grade of “C” or higher is required.
  1. Cataloging and classification;
  2. Computerized applications of library automation and information access;
  3. Instructional media design and production;
  4. Organization of school library media programs and collections;
  5. Reference sources and services;
  6. Evaluation, selection and utilization of instructional media for children and young people; and
  7. Integration of technology into the curriculum
  • Has completed directed field experience as part of the program or has completed two years of school – based teaching experience or has completed one year of experience as a school librarian; and
  • Has achieved a passing score for the DC-required school library media specialist content exam or has passed a comparable exam in another state where an active school librarian credential is held.

Required Documents to Submit

School Audiologist

  • Holds a completed master’s degree from an approved program in school audiology education, or
  • Holds a completed master’s degree or higher in audiology and a minimum of 75 semester hours (at least 36 graduate level coursework) in audiology and allied fields. A letter grade of “C” or higher shall be required to accept coursework. View coursework details.
  • Have successfully completed one year of full-time experience as a school audiologist.

Required Documents to Submit

School Counselor

  • Holds a completed master’s degree from an approved program in school counseling education, or
  • Holds a completed master’s degree in counseling and have completed graduate level school counseling coursework in each of the areas listed below. A letter grade of “C” or higher is required.
  1. Philosophy and principles underlying guidance and other pupil personnel services;
  2. The theory and practice of counseling, including work with exceptional and culturally diverse students;
  3. Educational and psychological measurement;
  4. Career development theory including career planning and decision-making techniques and the use of occupational and educational information;
  5. Understanding the individual (i.e., the nature and range of human characteristics);
  6. Group counseling and group guidance processes;
  7. Research and evaluation;
  8. Elementary, middle, and secondary school counseling; and
  • Has successfully completed at least 300 hours of supervised school-based field, practicum or internship experience as part of the degree program. The field experience may also be met by one of the following:
  1. Completion of a degree in school counseling from a program approved by Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Program (CACREP) or holds a valid National Certified Counselors (NCC) credential issued by the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC); or
  2. Have completed two or more years of full-time teaching experience or one year of full-time experience as a school counselor; and
  • Has achieved a passing score for the DC-required school counselor content exam or has passed a comparable exam in another state where an active school counselor license is held.

Required Documents to Submit

School Social Worker

  • Holds a completed master’s degree from an approved program in school social work education or
  • Holds a completed master’s degree in social work and have completed applicable graduate level coursework in school social work services. A letter grade of “C” or higher is required. View coursework details.
  • Have successfully field practicum experience as part of the degree program or one year of paid professional experience (post master’s degree) in a setting providing direct services to individuals and groups of school age children and their families; and
  • Holds a valid license to practice social work in the District of Columbia issued by the DC Department of Health, Board of Social Work. The license must be above an associate’s level.

Required Documents to Submit

School Speech Language Pathologist

  • Holds a completed master’s degree from an approved program in school pathology education or
  • Holds a completed master’s degree or higher in speech and language pathology and has completed a minimum of 75 semester hours (at least 36 graduate level coursework) in speech and language pathology, audiology and allied fields. A letter grade of “C” or higher shall be required to accept coursework. View details.
  • Have successfully completed one year of full-time experience as a school speech language pathologist.

Required Documents to Submit

School Psychologist

  • Holds a completed master’s degree from an approved program in school or educational psychology or
  • Holds a completed master’s degree in clinical psychology and have completed 42 graduate hours of applicable school psychology coursework. A letter grade of “C” or higher is required. View coursework details.
  • Has successfully completed at least 500 hours of supervised field, practicum, or internship experience in a school setting under the supervision of a certified school psychologist; and
  • Has achieved a passing score for the DC-required school psychologist content exam or has passed a comparable exam in another state where an active school psychologist credential is held.

Required Documents to Submit

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