Initial Evaluation Timeliness
Consistent with the consent requirements under IDEA, either a parent of a child, school staff, public agency or medical provider may initiate a request for an initial evaluation to determine if the child is a child with a disability. LEAs must make reasonable efforts to obtain parental consent within 30 calendar days of referral. The IEP team must make an eligibility determination within 60 calendar days of receipt of parental consent.
OSSE monitors on the following LEA requirements:
- Documenting a referral in SEDS.
- Beginning reasonable efforts to obtain consent to evaluate within 10 days of receipt of referral.
- Completing reasonable efforts to obtain consent to evaluate within 30 days of referral.
- Completing initial eligibility determination within 60 days after consent to evaluate is obtained.
Also referred to as SPP/APR Indicator 11
For additional Information:
- Initial Evaluation/Reevaluation Policy
- Part B Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation Policy Webinar Slides
- 2018-19 School Year Special Education Updates Guidance (August 2018)
Equity Requirements under IDEA
Aimed at promoting equity by targeting disparities in the treatment of students of color with disabilities, equity regulations address a number of issues related to LEAs policies, procedures and practices in the area of identification, placement and discipline.
Also referred to as Significant Disproportionality, Significant Discrepancy (SPP/APR Indicator4), Disproportionate Representation (SPP/APR indicator 9 and 10)
For additional information:
Reevaluation Timeliness
Defined as an evaluation conducted after the initial evaluation, reevaluation must occur at least once every three years, and may occur more frequently if conditions warrant or if the child’s parent or teacher requests a reevaluation.
OSSE monitors on the following LEA requirements:
- Completing reasonable efforts to obtain consent to evaluate.
- Holding a reevaluation meeting within three years of the date the previous initial evaluation or reevaluation was completed.
Also Referred to as Triennial Eligibility Review
For additional information:
- Initial Evaluation/Reevaluation Policy
- Part B Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation Policy Webinar Slides
Secondary Transition Requirements
Transition services are a coordinated set of activities designed to facilitate a student’s movement from school to post-school activities and are based on the student’s needs, strengths, preferences and interests.
OSSE monitors on the following LEA requirements:
- Ensuring all students, by their 14th birthday have a current transition plan in effect.
Also referred to as APR Indicator 13
For additional information:
- Secondary Transition Resources
- Secondary Transition Monitoring Tool
- 2018-19 School Year Special Education Updates Guidance (August 2018)
Special Education in Correctional Facilities
For information about education in the juvenile justice system, please click here.
2023-24 School Year LEA Special Education Calendar
The calendar provides an overview of important deadlines and events related to special education requirements.
2023-24 Special Education Point of Contact Role Description
This resource supports LEAs in identifying appropriate staff to carry out special education organizational operations, liaise with OSSE, and support all facets of special education.
Additional Information
Contact Us
For questions or additional information, please email [email protected].
Special Education Monitoring and Compliance is administered by OSSE’s Office of Special Education within the Division of Systems and Supports, K-12.
[Date Posted: Feb. 27, 2023]