Special Education Data System (SEDS)
SEDS is used by all LEAs in the District to support the creation, documentation and service delivery for students who are referred to or receive special education services. To request access to SEDS, please submit an OSSE Support Tool ticket.
District of Columbia Corrective Action Tracking System (DC CATS)
DC CATS is a web-based tracking system used to support the IDEA compliance monitoring for LEAs. LEAs and nonpublic schools are required to log into DC CATS to receive and review compliance reports and to document all corrections of noncompliance.
IDEA Planning and Performance Qlik Application
The IDEA Performance application is available to LEAs to assist with managing special education timeliness data quality and compliance. It allows LEAs to access to data without submitting a data request to OSSE and track own improvement over time in the areas of Initial evaluation, reevaluation and C to B transition timeliness indicators.
Legal Research Publications (LRP) Special Ed Connection
Special Ed Connection is a platform that provides users with special education specific federal statutes and regulations, legal cases, federal policies and news from across the US related to IDEA available to all LEAs.
Legal Research Publications (LRP) Direct Specialized Training for Education Professionals (STEP)
Direct STEP training modules are a selection of self-paced eLearning courses focusing on IDEA legal requirements available to all LEAs.
LRP Direct STEP: Direct Specialized Training for Education Professionals Scope and Sequence
Additional Information
Contact Us
For questions or additional information, please email [email protected].
Special Education Monitoring and Compliance is administered by OSSE’s Office of Special Education within the Division of Systems and Supports, K-12.
[Date Posted: Feb. 27, 2023]