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FY24 Flexible Scheduling Pilot Program Grant

About the Flexible Scheduling Pilot Program Grant

FY24 Flexible Scheduling Pilot Program Grantees

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) congratulates the following local education agencies (LEAs) as grantees of the fiscal year 2024 (FY24) Flexible Scheduling Pilot Program Grant:

OSSE is currently working with these LEAs to bolster student achievement by implementing flexible schedules that support the retention of the District’s high-quality, effective and diverse educators.

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s (OSSE’s) Flexible Scheduling Pilot Program is a competitive grant opportunity designed to support local education agencies (LEAs) in bolstering student achievement by implementing flexible schedules that support the retention of the District’s high-quality, effective and diverse educators. Through this grant, OSSE seeks to advance both targeted student social and academic support and holistic staff retention initiatives.

Why Flexible Scheduling?
“Flexible schedule” is defined as a scheduling arrangement that allows for variation in the instructional calendar and format on a daily or weekly basis while ensuring continued rigorous academic instruction to students. The purpose of these funds is to sustain high-quality learning experiences for student by improving the retention of DC educators (principals, assistant principals, teachers, assistant teachers, paraprofessionals, school psychologists or counselors, all school service providers or any person who provides professional education services or education psychological services at a school). Grant funds will be used to implement schedules that provide students with rigorous academic instruction, while allowing educators additional time to engage in professional development, continuing education, course planning, collaboration, wellness and other similar activities. Research demonstrates that flexible scheduling greatly impacts educators’ ability to stay in the profession (RAND, 2022).


Any public or public charter LEA in the District was eligible to apply for this grant. OSSE gave priority consideration to applications that prioritized 1) elementary and middle schools and 2) schools demonstrating higher-than-average teacher attrition (or teacher attrition rates that were higher than 2022-23 school year rates according to OSSE’s most recent District of Columbia Educator Retention data).

The source of funds is local funding authorized under the Flexible Schedule Emergency Amendment Act of 2023 (DC Law 13-176, §7k as added by DC Law 25-50, Sec. 4183(b); DC Code § 38-2617).

Pre-Application Webinar

OSSE’s Division of Teaching and Learning hosted a mandatory pre-application webinar on Friday, Dec. 15, 2023. Interested applicants were required to participate in the pre-application webinar. Please use the following link to access the webinar.


Contact Information

For additional information regarding the Flexible Scheduling Pilot Program Grant, please contact:

Abigail Johnson
Flexible Scheduling Pilot Program Grant Manager
Division of Teaching and Learning
Office of the State Superintendent of Education
1050 First St. NE, Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20002
[email protected]