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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Educator Discipline and Reporting


  • Mandatory Report Requirements for DC Local Education Agencies
  • Educator Credentials
  • Disciplinary Procedures Guidebook

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) is vested with the duty, and granted the authority, to issue an educator credential to any applicant who meets applicable requirements. (See 5-A DCMR 1600.2). OSSE is further vested with the duty, and granted authority, to deny, revoke, or suspend the credential of professional educators who are charged with, or convicted of, certain offenses and/or criminal acts.  

This web page provides guidance and resource information for procedures regarding mandatory reporting requirements by local education agencies operating in the District of Columbia and disciplinary practices for educator misconduct.

Mandatory Reporting Requirements for DC Local Education Agencies (LEA)

School officials and teachers employed by local education agencies are mandatory reporters (See DC Code § 4-1321.02(b)).  If a school official or teacher knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect, that a child has been or is in immediate danger of being mentally or physically abused, the LEA shall immediately report such knowledge or suspicion to the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) or the Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA). The school official or teacher shall also immediately notify the person in charge of the school, or his or her designated agent, who shall then be required to make a report. The fact that the school was notified does not relieve the person who was originally required to report from his or her duty to making a prompt report to MPD or CFSA.  

Employees, agents, and contractors of DC LEAs are required to notify MPD or CFSA and OSSE in writing when they become aware of a teacher, pupil services provider, or administrator with a current DC educator credential, or an applicant applying for a DC credential, who engages in any act listed in 5-A DCMR § 1607.1. The information must be reported to OSSE to inform potential administrative action regarding the denial of an application for a DC educator credential or the suspension, or revocation, of a DC educator credential for cause.    

To report knowledge of an act engaged in by a teacher, school service provider, or school administrator a person from the LEA must complete a DC Local Education Agency Reporting Form and submit it to OSSE. When completing the form, the person reporting the information must provide all information as requested on the form and must sign and date the form at the time of submission. View the reporting form.

If an LEA notifies MPD or CFSA that a school official or teacher is known or suspected to be involved in the mental or physical abuse of a child, an administrative action may be initiated against the applicant or credential holder once OSSE is notified of the action.

If an investigation by MPD or CFSA reveals that a school official or teacher failed to comply with mandatory reporting requirements, an administrative action may be initiated against the applicant or credential holder once OSSE is notified of the investigation results.  

For more information, questions, or to report all actions and information on investigation(s), LEA representatives may contact OSSE at (202) 741-5881 or [email protected].