October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. The District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education encourages educators, and parents to help spread the word about bullying prevention by utilizing the resources below to help make our schools bully free. For more information about National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, please visit stopbullying.gov.
Did You Know?
According to data from the 2012 Youth Risk Behavior Survey:
- 11% of DC high school youth and 30% of DC middle school youth are bullied, in addition to 30% of youth who report they bullied someone else In DC;
- 13% of DC middle school youth and 9% of DC high school youth felt unsafe at school;
- 8% of DC middle school youth and 12% of DC high school youth were electronically bullied;
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Questioning (LGBQ) youth are at a significantly increased risk for experiencing fear and being bullied at school.
Social Media
- Follow StopBullying.gov on Facebook and Twitter
Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention (FPBP) Resources
- Speak Out Against Bullying Video
- KnowBullying
- Bullying, Harassment, & Civil Rights: An Overview of School Districts’ Federal Obligation to Respond to Harassment
- Increasing Capacity for Reducing Bullying and Its Impact on the Lifecourse of Youth Involved
- Media Guidelines for Bullying Prevention
Resources for District Residents
- Citywide Youth Bullying Prevention Program
- Youth Bullying Prevention Task Force
- DC Anti-Bullying Safe Schools Initiative for school-based staff