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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Post-ESSER Sustainability Planning Supports for LEAs

As we approach the end of the ESSER grant period on September 30, 2024, OSSE is committed to supporting LEAs to manage a smooth and strategic transition to a post-ESSER funding environment, with a focus on continuing learning acceleration and addressing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

OSSE strongly encourages LEAs to prioritize the following six evidence-based strategies in their budgeting and strategic planning for Fiscal Year 2025 and beyond. These strategies are consistent with OSSE’s own recovery investment areas and FY23-25 Strategic Plan, as well as recent guidance from U.S. Department of Education on ESSER-ARP liquidation extension and the White House.

  1. Implement High-Quality Instructional Materials in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math with Aligned Professional Development
  2. Expand Access to High-Impact Tutoring
  3. Extend Learning with Summer and After School Opportunities
  4. Invest in Mental Health Supports for Students
  5. Reduce Chronic Absenteeism
  6. Reimagine High School through Strengthened Career and College Connections

OSSE will provide supports to LEAs to leverage local and/or federal grant funds to continue these strategies, as well as opportunities to learn and share resources and best practices in implementation from other LEAs, OSSE and other District agencies, and external partners.

Evidence-Based Strategy Resources

OSSE has compiled an evidence base, implementation resources, and a list of specific OSSE supports and technical assistance available to LEAs for each of the six evidence-based strategies:

Communities of Practice

Throughout Spring and Summer 2024, OSSE will convene LEA Communities of Practice for LEAs interested in learning best practices and evidence of impact across the six evidence-based strategies. There will also be dedicated Communities of Practice for LEA budget and finance leaders to discuss how best to leverage existing federal grant flexibilities in planning Fiscal Year 2025 budgets.

  • Stay tuned for a schedule and details for these communities of practice.

Federal Grant Flexibilities

As LEAs prepare for federal grant application windows for Fiscal Year 2025 to open in Summer 2024 (e.g., ConApp, IDEA), OSSE will provide guidance and information to LEAs regarding how best to leverage grant flexibilities to sustain evidence-based strategies and other key priorities in Fiscal Year 2025.

ESSER Liquidation Extension Guidance

OSSE will support LEAs to leverage the U.S. Department of Education’s liquidation extension request process to extend the use of ESSER III-ARP funds for the evidence-based strategies and other needs in Fiscal Year 2025, where applicable.