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Financial Literacy Standards

On March 20, 2024, the State Board of Education (SBOE) voted to adopt financial literacy standards. These standards were developed by OSSE and are intended to be implemented as a standalone, elective course for high school students across the District. These standards include important financial knowledge and skills, including how individual financial circumstances are influenced by personal decisions and systemic factors. These standards will be implemented beginning in school year 2024-25.

The DC Financial Literacy Standards are also available in Spanish: Read the Standards (Spanish Version)

Standards Development Process

The financial literacy standards were developed between June 2023 and March 2024. During the development process, OSSE worked with stakeholders to ensure that the standards reflected accurate content while also meeting the specific needs of DC students.

Timeline for Standards Development
The standards were developed across the following timeline:

  • June–July 2023: OSSE establishes working group and identifies local and national experts to support standards’ development and review.
  • August–September 2023: OSSE conducts stakeholder engagement with students, educators and community members.
  • September–October 2023: OSSE drafts financial literacy standards.
  • November 2023: Local and national experts review financial literacy standards.
  • December 2023: OSSE publishes financial literacy standards for public comment.
  • January 2024: OSSE works with educators and experts to incorporate feedback from public comment and update the draft financial literacy standards.
  • February 2024: OSSE presents updated draft financial literacy standards to the State Board of Education (SBOE) and incorporates SBOE feedback to finalize financial literacy standards.
  • March 2024: OSSE presents final financial literacy standards to the SBOE. On March 20, 2024, the standards were adopted unanimously by the SBOE.
  • 2024-25 School Year: DC local education agencies (LEAs) implement financial literacy standards.

Stakeholder Engagement
During the draft development process, OSSE conducted extensive stakeholder engagement which included student focus groups, educator focus groups, general interest focus groups and a survey. Data collected from this engagement was leveraged in the development of the standards. Additionally, OSSE has identified local and national financial literacy experts who reviewed the draft standards and provided feedback.

For questions, please contact Megan Dumond at [email protected].