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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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2022-23 OSSE Test Security Training Video

OSSE's goal is to ensure schools and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) administer statewide assessments in consistent and standardized conditions.  The purpose of this training is to provide key information and resources for LEA and Nonpublic Coordinators/Assessment Managers to understand and recognize acceptable and unacceptable assessment preparation, administration, and close-out practices. 

Driven by the Testing Integrity Act of 2013 and Testing Integrity Act of 2015 Amendments, participants learn test integrity and test security policies and procedures.  Exploration of District of Columbia statewide assessments include: NAEP, WIDA ACCESS for English Language Learners and Alternate ACCESS, MSAA, DC Science, and DLM.   

Facilitated by OSSE Director of Assessments, Stephanie Snyder and OSSE Deputy Director of Assessments, Lauren Thompson.   

Related Content: Test Security and Test Integrity Information and Documents