The SOAR Academic Quality/Facilities, Early Childhood, and CARES Equivalent formula grants applications is available for eligible charter LEAs to complete in the Enterprise Grants Management System (EGMS). Applications are due by 3 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 7, 2020. OSSE has extended this deadline a week from what was previously communicated given the Thanksgiving holiday. Funds allocated to LEAs that do not submit an application in EGMS by the due date will be reallocated to eligible LEAs that meet the deadline. OSSE will begin its review of applications as they are received and anticipates completing all reviews by the end of the calendar year.
Final federal fiscal year 2020 (FFY20) SOAR allocations are available in EGMS and on OSSE’s website. There have been no changes since they were shared initially on Aug. 10. This SOAR application reflects amendments to the SOAR grant to address the current needs of LEAs. This includes funding to provide CARES Equivalent allocations for LEAs not eligible for Title I funding, including adult and early childhood charter LEAs, and additional flexible formula funding for facilities, including virtual school infrastructure.
For questions or need support on SOAR grants, please contact Jessie Harteis at [email protected].
Related Content: Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act Grant