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Instructions to Complete the School Health Profiles

About the Healthy Schools Act School Health Profile

Under Section 602 of the Healthy Schools Act (HSA) of 2010, each public and public charter school within the District of Columbia is required to complete and submit the School Health Profile (SHP) to OSSE. Any public or public charter school that fails to complete and submit its SHP form to OSSE by the deadline will be out of compliance with Section 602 of the Healthy Schools Act of 2010 and noted as such in OSSE's biennial report to DC Council. Schools that primarily serve Pre-K or adult students do not need to complete the HSA SHP.

Within 30 days of completion, all school-level users will receive an email notification when a PDF of your school’s HSA SHP is ready for download. Each school is required to make this PDF available online if the school has a website and available to parents and guardians for hard copy pick up at the main office.

The information in the HSA SHP is reported biannually by OSSE to the Mayor’s Office and the City Council. Schools who do not submit their completed Profile will be out of compliance with the Healthy Schools Act, and this will be noted in OSSE’s yearly report to City Council and the Mayor.


Log in to this URL ( to access the application where you can fill out the form. See more specific log in instructions for school-level and LEA-level users in this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document.

Login Instructions

The Healthy Schools Act (HSA) School Health Profile (SHP) is to be completed and submitted online by each school.

  • Log in to the SHP application.
    • Once your LEA Data Manager has assigned you an appropriate role (“Principal” or “School Health Profile POC") in OSSE’s All Staff application, please wait one business day for access to be configured to your email address on file.
    • On the next business day, type in the application URL in your browser (Chrome is the preferred browser).
    • Click “Sign Up” at the bottom of the page to create your user account for the application. Please note, all users will need to create a new account.
    • When creating your user account, use the same email address that OSSE has on file (i.e., the email address entered by your LEA Data Manager when they assigned the role to you).
    • Once you have created your account, the application will verify your credentials and you will be able to log in to the application.

Completion Instructions

The HSA SHP is split into seven sections, and we recommend using the printable version of the SHP to gather information before submitting the form online. OSSE recommends that schools and LEAs work collaboratively to identify staff who are most knowledgeable about each section. Once you start a page in the online format, you can save progress as you go.

  • Click on the application “School Health Profile for Current School Year”.
  • Click “Select to complete this section” at the bottom of each page once you’ve completed all of the questions.
    • Please note that many questions are required and you cannot click “Select to complete this section” until all required questions on that page are completed.
  • After you’ve completed all seven sections, click “Submit for Certification” at the top right corner of the page.
    • The “Submit for Certification” button will be enabled once all the sections are 100 percent complete. The user will need to click the button to submit the profile for certification of the data by the LEA. Upon clicking the button, the survey becomes locked for the school-level user, and only the LEA-level user will still be able to edit. If the school-level user would like to make changes after submitting for certification, they will need to reach out to the LEA data manager or “School Health Profile – LEA level” point of contact to make the necessary changes.
    • The SHP must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. EST on Feb. 14, 2025.
    • The LEA will certify the data on by 5 p.m. EST on Feb. 18, 2025
    • Schools that do not complete the SHP by this date will be listed on the OSSE website as out of compliance with Section 602 of the Healthy Schools Act of 2010.
  • Note: You will know your profile has been successfully submitted for certification when you receive an email notification. You will also receive an email notification once the SHP data have been certified by the LEA and your school’s PDF is ready for download.

Additional Assistance

Your questions about the HSA SHP may be answered in the FAQs, which is also at the end of the printable version of the SHP.

For more information or questions about the SHP, please contact the Health and Wellness team at OSSE by email at [email protected].

HSA School Health Profiles Informational Webinars

On Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2023, OSSE hosted a webinar for LEAs to explain the log in process; how to request access for new users; how to navigate through the application; and how to submit and certify the data. You can view the webinar and presentation slides here.

On Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023, OSSE hosted a webinar for schools to explain the log in process; how to request access for new users; how to navigate through the application; and how to submit the data. You can view the webinar and presentation slides here.

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