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OSSE Updates Information for LEA Leaders

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
From Educator Recruitment to the DC OneApp, information is available here

Title I A Upcoming Webinars

FFY07/08/09 Title I A Awards Critical Information Webinar: The OSSE Title I team invites all LEAs to participate in an important webinar that will address several critical issues related to Title I A awards (See the list below). For your convenience, the webinar will be offered twice:  Thursday, June 18, 3-4:30 pm; or Friday, June 19, 10-11:30 am. (All topics listed below will be addressed at both webinar meetings).  Appropriate representatives (Both fiscal and instructional staff i.e. Executive Director/Head of School; Business Manager/Accountant) from each LEA are strongly encouraged to participate. 

  • Title I Team Staff Assignments for LEAs
  • Upcoming Title I-related webinars
  • FFY 2007 (“school year 2007-2008”) Award:


    • Explanation of carryover application process
    • Review of LEAs’ carryover Grant Award Notifications
  • FFY 2008 (“school year 2008-2009”) Award:


    • Explanation of LEAs’ remaining timeline for spending FFY 08 funds and reminder of general rules for carryover
    • Update on LEAs’ progress in spending down FFY08 funds and required set-asides
  • For FFY08 and 07:  Ideas for obligating funds during summer/early fall months
  • Update on 09 awards, including ARRA and non-ARRA Title I A funds

Overview of Title I A ARRA/Stimulus Funding Webinar: The OSSE Title I team invites all LEAs to participate in a separate webinar that will provide an overview of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) as it relates to education funding and activities, focusing specifically on Title I, Part A.  We will discuss several issues that will help LEAs plan and budget for the year ahead (See the list below). For your convenience, the webinar will be offered twice:  Thursday, June 25, noon-1 pm; OR Tuesday, July 7, 10-11 am. (All topics listed below will be addressed at both webinar meetings). Appropriate representatives (Both fiscal and instructional staff i.e. Executive Director/Head of School; Business Manager/Accountant) from each LEA are strongly encouraged to participate. Please share this invitation with all relevant individuals at your LEA or organization who may benefit from a deeper understanding of the ARRA/Stimulus as it relates to Title I, Part A. 

  • General ARRA Overview
  • Allowable Uses of Funds
  • Impact on Set-Aside Requirements
  • Expanded Reporting Requirements  


Stafford Loan Information
OSSE has updated the “Teacher Cancellation Low-Income Directory” for all of DC’s Title I schools for School Years 2004-2005 through 2008-2009. Eligible teachers can use this information to apply for loan forgiveness for their Federal Family Education Loan or their Direct Loan. For full details on the Stafford Loan Forgiveness Program for Teachers, please visit the US Department of Education website. If you have any questions please contact Emily Butler at [email protected]

Innovative Education Program Strategies (Title V, Part A)
Federal fiscal year (FFY) 2007 funds allocated under Title V, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act remain available for obligation through September 30, 2009. Please note that effective FFY 2009 there will be no further funding issued under Title V-A and no flexibility to transfer these funds. Limited transfer options remain until September 30, 2009. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Sheryl Hamilton at (202) 741-6404 or [email protected].

Educator Recruitment Service
The OSSE has contracted with, the nation's premiere education recruitment service, to provide all DC LEAS a free account, enabling you to communicate with hundreds of thousands of qualified candidates.  Nearly 30 Public Charter Schools have not yet taken advantage of this great recruitment tool. Registration is easy: visit and select this link: "Learn if your district is eligible for a free membership to" If you have any questions, contact Kevin Kautzman at [email protected] or (877) 812-4071 x 72.

DC OneApp
The deadline to apply for DC Tuition Assistance Grant (DC TAG), DC Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (DC LEAP), and DC Adoption Scholarship is June 30, 2009. If you would like more information please contact James D. Gaston III at (202) 741-6413 or [email protected]

GED Commencement
The GED Cap & Gown Ceremony will take place at the University of the District of Columbia on June 20, 2009 at 10 am in the auditorium.  Reverend Dr. Lewis M. Anthony, Senior Pastor of African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church will deliver the commencement address.

College Fair
OSSE is partnering with The National Association of College Admissions Counselors to host the annual DC College Fair at the Washington Convention Center on September 29. Over 300 colleges and 7,000 students are expected to attend. For more information please contact Kenneth Howard at (202) 727-2824 or [email protected].

English Language Learner Conference
The OSSE will hold its 1st Annual English Language Learners Conference at the National 4-H Center in Chevy Chase, MD on June 18, 2009. The keynote Speaker, Dr. Margarita Calderon, will discuss her latest work: “Teaching Reading to English Language Learners: A Framework for Improving Achievement in the Content Areas.”  Please RSVP to Vicky Sosa at (202) 481-3933 or [email protected]

Professional Development
The English Language Learner Office is interested in learning more about you and your professional development needs.  Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey

Your responses will be extremely valuable in helping us align our Title III-funded professional development offerings with your needs. If you have any problems accessing the survey, contact Vicky Sosa at [email protected] or (202) 481-3933.

In addition The Office of the State Superintendent of Education's Department of Special Education will be hosting a 2009 Summer Institute to provide high quality professional development, training and technical assistance to all school personnel and service providers in the District of Columbia on special education best practices.

National Principal of the Year
The OSSE is requesting nominations for the MetLife/NASSP National Principal of the Year award program. The program honors school principals who have demonstrated excellence in collaborative leadership; curriculum, instruction and assessment; and personalization.  Self-nominations are acceptable. Please complete the attached application and submit to Erika L. Lomax at 51 N Street, NE, Suite #3019, Washington, DC 20002 or [email protected] no later than June 26, 2009.

Praxis Take Away Library
The OSSE has free test materials for the Praxis I and Praxis II exams. For more information please contact Kadena Duncan-Lawrence at (202) 741-5851 or Dorothy Beal at (202) 741-8569. 

Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to participate on State Advisory Curriculum Panels in the areas of Mathematics and Reading/English Language Arts. If you are interested, email your resume and a letter of interest stating your content area and grade level to [email protected].